PlayStation 5 Design Teased in Alleged Development Kit Patent


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
LetsGoDigital has discovered a patent for a weird-looking console that is believed to be the development kit for the PlayStation 5. It was authored by Sony's engineering director, Yusuhiro Ootori, who gave gamers their first look at the inside of a PS4 back in 2013.

The patent alludes to a dramatic departure from the PlayStation 4's design, which was defined by simple geometry. While the alleged development kit appears to have plenty of ventilation, one can only hope that Sony sticks to its previous principles.

On the back you will find, among other things, the connection to connect the device to the TV. In addition, the wide slot seems to be intended to insert a disc, making it likely that we are indeed looking at the long-awaited Sony PlayStation 5 (Development Kit) here.
I'm more than a little meh on this right now. As it stands I had to cut out the back of my entertainment center and install exhaust fans in order to keep my PS4 and receiver running in it without cooking themselves. This design makes me think we are looking at a lot of waste heat.
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