PS VR2 Is Getting Official PC Support This Year


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The PS VR2, Sony's next-generation VR headset, is expected to gain support for PC later this year, according to a new post on the PlayStation.Blog that details some of the new titles that are coming soon to PS VR2.

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I admit I’ve been tempted to try this out - but then common sense overrides and reminds me it can’t possibly live up to the hype and it will be like hundreds of other things I’ve bought that just collect dust after the first couple of weeks.
I have a friend who enjoyed PSVR for PS4 and now PS5, but the lack of content means it sits on his shelf most of the time. I don't think he's ever done any PC VR stuff. I myself have yet to try anything VR-related, but a friend who moved last summer gave me a bunch of equipment he didn't want anymore, including a HOTAS controller and some kind of VR headset + controllers (don't recall brand or model at the moment). I haven't tested any of that stuff yet, so I have no idea if they work.
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