Razer Is Moving Forward to Produce Project Hazel


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Razer

Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan has confirmed with Yahoo News that his company will be releasing its Project Hazel smart masks. First unveiled at CES 2021, they include a built-in microphone and speaker, silicon nose guard, and even RGB. The mask features a transparent front covering and active air ventilation that’s said to be as effective as an N95 mask.

The project began in April 2020 when Razer decided to make masks for the pandemic. After repurposing some of its manufacturing, Razer began shipping them. It donated roughly 1 million masks around the world. Along the way, Razer began to conceptualize a smart mask design. The company wanted to create more sustainable masks...

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I kinda want to just be done with masks in general - I'm hoping with the vax rollout this Spring may be the end of it. Unless we want to just keep them for flu, mumps, ugly people, etc.

Had this come out 6 months ago, when there was no end in sight - maybe.
I kinda want to just be done with masks in general - I'm hoping with the vax rollout this Spring may be the end of it. Unless we want to just keep them for flu, mumps, ugly people, etc.

Had this come out 6 months ago, when there was no end in sight - maybe.

I hope I'm wrong but if we don't handle this right the next wave may put us back to starting over again.
I kinda want to just be done with masks in general - I'm hoping with the vax rollout this Spring may be the end of it. Unless we want to just keep them for flu, mumps, ugly people, etc.

Had this come out 6 months ago, when there was no end in sight - maybe.
The Japanese consider it polite to wear masks during flu season. Sounds agreeable to me.

Problem I have with the Razor mask is that of course it show cases differences in income/wealth.
Many ppl will skip wearing masks if they feel it labels them as have-nots. Humanity, unfortunately.
The Japanese consider it polite to wear masks during flu season. Sounds agreeable to me.

Problem I have with the Razor mask is that of course it show cases differences in income/wealth.
Many ppl will skip wearing masks if they feel it labels them as have-nots. Humanity, unfortunately.

I've been looking for n95 replaceable filtered mask kits and they are almost as hard to get as video cards. This seems like a solution to multiple problems to me.
Many ppl will skip wearing masks if they feel it labels them as have-nots. Humanity, unfortunately.
I've seen folks not wear them out of some misplaced sense of defiance, while I'm just over here not wanting to pick it up someplace and then pass it to someone I care about. And then have that person be permanently disabled or even die from the transmission that I facilitated. I'm still young enough to pass this on before showing symptoms myself.

The Japanese consider it polite to wear masks during flu season. Sounds agreeable to me.
I haven't had someone ridicule me for wearing a mask in public when not required to, but I'm pretty sure my response would be something along the lines of "I'm not wearing this mask for me, I'm wearing it for you."
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