Samsung Shows Off Odyssey OLED G8 32″ 4K 240 Hz Monitor Features, including Pulsating Heat Pipe for Burn-In Prevention


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The Odyssey OLED G8, a new 32-inch 240 Hz 4K gaming monitor from Samsung that leverages an OLED panel for what the company says is unmatched picture quality, is the world's first display to feature a Pulsating Heat Pipe for burn-in prevention, according to a new write-up for the display that Samsung shared today as it begins to take initial orders for the $1,299.99 item.

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Yep, I was going to say try explaining those search results to your significant other, or if a kid, to your mom.
More seriously though.

Judging on my experience with the LG C3, there really shouldn't be any need for any exotic new tech to limit burn-in. Pretty sure I'll get at least 5 years out of this one with regular desktop use, and that's about how long I go between monitor upgrades.
More seriously though.

Judging on my experience with the LG C3, there really shouldn't be any need for any exotic new tech to limit burn-in. Pretty sure I'll get at least 5 years out of this one with regular desktop use, and that's about how long I go between monitor upgrades.
There's always the crowd that screams if something won't last forever.
So now the heatpipe can fail before the screen? I never knew cooking your monitor would stop OLED burnin. ;)
There's always the crowd that screams if something won't last forever.
Nothing lasts forever.

My awesome Iiyama Vision Master Pro 510 22" CRT lasted me from 2001 until 2005 when it suddenly and unceremoniously let the magic smoke out. I tried to have it fixed by an electronics repair shop because I loved it so much, but while he was able to diagnose it, and said he could fix it, the problem was he couldn't find the parts needed. One of them had gone obsolete and become unobtainable even on the grey market. :cry:

I dumped like half my summer job income on this screen when I got back to school in the fall of 2001 after reading this review on Anandtech. As with every large computer purchase I ever make I always have some guilt after dumping a significant amount of money, but I never wound up really regretting it.


This is not my picture, but that **** thing was effing majestic for its time.

I used to play Counter-Strike at 1600x1200 vsynced at 100hz on the thing using my GeForce 3 Ti500. It was a spectacular experience. I could have gone higher res, but if I did I couldn't read the tiny chat text in Counter-Strike 😅

Here is someone testing a survivor a few years back:

I missed that monitor for several after it died in 2005. The LCD panels just weren't the same. But by the time G-Sync launched I no longer missed it. Variable refresh on a digital panel is so much better than a CRT with fixed refresh.

The funniest thing is, my poor dorm room desk at Umass Amherst used to literally curve under the weight of the monitor. The Anandtech review lists the weight as 73lb, but I remember it being heavier than that. (Maybe I just wasn't as strong back then as I am today, who knows)
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