Samsung's Care Guide for the Galaxy Fold Alludes to a Very Delicate Device


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Samsung may have "fixed" the biggest problems surrounding its folding phone, but the Galaxy Fold will still require some significant babying. The company has released a care guide video and advertisement called "Caring for your Galaxy Fold" that reveals just how delicate the device is.

Owners are warned to keep the device away from both water and dust, which could be a tall order. Users are also advised to use "a light touch" and not apply excessive pressure to the touchscreen. There's even a medical disclaimer due to the magnets that hold the Galaxy Fold shut: "If you have an implantable medical device, consult your physician before use."

Pretty clearly, this care guide shows that the Samsung Galaxy Fold is not for everyone, or even for most (as if the price tag wasn’t enough of an indicator). This is not a phone you can close up, slip in your pocket, and be on your way with. It obviously needs to be given a special level of care, which makes for a seriously impractical purchase.
Yea that's another nail in the coffin for this generation of foldable devices. We will get their but not quite yet.
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