Seasonic Power Supplies Get A New Naming Scheme


May 11, 2019
Why are power supply names so darned confusing?

According to Seasonic that is about to change for them.

Seasonic is re-doing their naming scheme with their OneSeasonic initiative. Making it MUCH easier to know whats what in their power supplies.
OneSeasonic is an initiative started many months ago to streamline our product naming for simplicity and easier recognition. We will gradually update our existing product naming methodology to reflect the OneSeasonic concept in the coming months and year.

We find it important that our product naming across the board is straight forward and transparent for all our customers. Once we have completed transitioning all the FOCUS series units, the OneSeasonic initiative will slowly incorporate our industry leading PRIME series as well.”

Good going Seasonic! This should make us system builders and enthusiast very happy!

When building a new system one of the most under looked things is the power supply. Never cheap out on this and buy a quality one.

Full Story
A quality power supply will out live all other technologies in your system case. Buy a bit bigger than you need and a high quality system and chances are you will get a decade + of solid performance out of it!
A quality power supply will out live all other technologies in your system case. Buy a bit bigger than you need and a high quality system and chances are you will get a decade + of solid performance out of it!
Its funny the weight of it can physically tell you the difference between a cheap and good one.

The really cheap ones weigh almost nothing.
I do believe ice has been spotted in hell....a tech marketing team has finally learned its consumers appreciate simplicity.
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