Someone Made a Water-Cooled PlayStation 5


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Sony

A Vietnamese custom PC designer has created the world’s first fully functioning water-cooled PlayStation 5. The engineering feat was shared by YouTube hardware channel Modding Cafe, which published a series of videos detailing how one of its creators, Nhenhophach, deconstructed Sony’s original design and bolstered it with custom parts such as wing-like plates and a water-cooling system. While the initial iteration appears to work well enough, Nhenhophach clarified that he was working on improved versions that would be sold to gamers who are interested in owning a one-of-a-kind PlayStation console.

“This is just the very first version of water cooled PS5, there will be so many more versions,” Nhenhophach said. “We are continuing [to] prepare for [a] commercial version and also ready to...

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I tought the LTT crew did one a while ago, maybe not as fancy though.
At first, I thought why but then I remembered a number of details about the PS5. It's known to run a little warm, and the fan(s) can be noisy to some. Those details alone are enough for some to upgrade to liquid. Factor in the past history of various other consoles having long-term cooling issues and this makes perfect sense.
I loved when [H] watercooled an original Xbox and an Xbox 360.
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