Someone Stole $337,000 Worth of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs from MSI


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: MSI

It must suck to be MSI right now. According to an advisory shared by GoFlying8, a thief has managed to steal 40 cargo boxes of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 graphics cards from one of its Chinese mainland factories. The estimated worth is 2,200,000 RMB, which translates to around $337,000.

MSI seems to think that this was an inside job, as the factory is equipped with plenty of video surveillance that would likely catch anyone who wasn’t already familiar with the layout. Its trucks are also frequently and carefully inspected.

Anyone who has information on where these stolen goods may be will probably want to contact MSI, as it’s offering a handsome reward of $100,000 Yuan...

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MSI keeps having....issues..

MSI was the maker of my first AMD MB, for the old 64 when it launched.
I'm a bit sentimental yeah, but also would not buy from them atm.
I don't think all is well over there.
Wait was that based on retail or after market prices? Because if after market thsts either like a dozen cards or way under valued.
So 200 GPUs showed up on the chinese equivalent of eBay....
I'm sure the thief will give them back......Ha!
Honestly I bet they never existed in the first place.
If there is a dark web equivalent of ebay, these cards will be on it!
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