Sony Removes Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store, Promising Full Refunds for Disastrous Port

I used to work for a freelance QA game/software testing company. Of course we tested a lot of console games. You'd be surprised at how many games ship with issues that cause them to fail certification. Especially for big-name games, Microsoft and Sony will often waive cert-failing issues, and allow the games to pass, just so the games can get out the door, and help contribute to console sales. Seen it happen too many times with Bethesda/Zenimax games, for example. Sometimes people think that QA teams end up missing bugs, but often the case is that the bugs are indeed found and reported, but upper-management tends to be like "eh, f*ck it, just ship it" and purposefully won't allow those bugs to be fixed until waaaaaaay later (if they ever get fixed at all). So you have both the publisher/developer's upper management and the console manufacturers just allowing games to go right on through while in a horrible state. My guess is that Sony and Microsoft waived the sh1t outta CP2077 and let it through cert, especially since it's a big holiday release. I know they are not surprised by the state of the game on their systems, because they had to have seen the game when it was submitted for certification testing on their systems. If you ask me, Sony and Microsoft are just as much to blame as CDPR for letting the PS4 and XB1 versions of the game out into the wild.
To quote Don Mattrick:

"Fortunately for people wanting to play Cyberpunk 2077 we have a product for playing that and it's called Series X."
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