Sony Teases Super-Quick Load Times for the PlayStation 5


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Remember that Wired article where PlayStation architect Mark Cerny talked up the advantages of the PS5’s SSD? At today’s Corporate Strategy Meeting, Sony played a video demonstrating just how much loading times could be decreased in next-generation titles thanks to new hardware.

Spider-Man’s loading time is 8.10 seconds on the PS4 Pro, but a mere .83 seconds on the PS5. The video also shows how the latter manages a hyper-fast flythrough of the city, which flakes out and freezes almost immediately on the PS4.

Sony has released a document that confirms the PS5 will support backwards compatibility, ray tracing, 8K, and 3D audio technologies. Streaming will also be a big part of the console.

The two keywords for the future direction of PlayStation are “immersive” and “seamless.” Next-generation console: “Immersive” experience created by dramatically increased graphics rendering speeds, achieved through the employment of further improved computational power and a customized ultra-fast, broadband SSD. Sony will pursue its mission to make PlayStation “The Best Place to Play” by leveraging the latest computing, streaming, cloud, and 5G technologies, together with excellent content.
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