Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Will Be Available to Stream on Disney+ Two Months Early, on May the 4th


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Lucasfilm

In celebration of Star Wars Day, Disney has opted to shift the streaming release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker to May 4th. This means that the entire Skywalker saga will be available to stream on Disney+ next month. Along with Episodes I-IX, subscribers can also enjoy plenty of other Star Wars content such as The Mandalorian and The Clone Wars – all that’s missing now is Solo: A Star Wars Story, which will be added before the end of the year.

Also premiering on May 4th is the series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian, an...

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Oh, guess I won't be watching this on Netflix then. I refuse to spend real money on it.... might be an arrr matey kinda movie. I hated TLJ so much and paid full ticket price x2 for that turd.
Oh, guess I won't be watching this on Netflix then. I refuse to spend real money on it.... might be an arrr matey kinda movie. I hated TLJ so much and paid full ticket price x2 for that turd.
I'm sure I'll get some hate for this but I didn't think it was as awful as TLJ. Got it on Vudu and honestly expected to hate it. Was pleasantly surprised. However, it's going to have to be heavily discounted before I consider getting a physical copy for the collection. There's some rough moments for sure but overall I liked it. Not saying it's great. Just felt it was better than TLJ. Almost wish for some kind of fan edit of all three, or at least the 1st and 3rd in this trilogy.
Well its already paid in my case... So if I feel like some torture, i might do it. Then again I could watch it drunk, and truly laugh my butt off like with TLJ. I still swear TLJ was a comedy, and most people don't get it, I recommend watching drunk. I swear I laughed harder than actual comedies. Haven't watched again though, you know sober.
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Well its already paid in my case... So if I feel like some torture, i might do it. Then again I could watch it drunk, and truly laugh my butt off like with TLJ. I still swear TLJ was a comedy, and most people don't get it, I recommend watching drunk. I swear I laughed harder than actual comedies. Haven't watched again though, you know sober.
I'll have to try it and I know what you mean. Watching TLJ sober is pretty painful. I've got friends on both sides of the fence when it comes to Rise. The ones against made the same arguments I've heard for the whole trilogy and I respect them but didn't completely agree this time around. The ones who liked it made some pretty valid points while still acknowledging weaknesses, w/o giving me more spoilers than I'd already read beforehand. I've re-watched it three times now. Sure there are things I didn't like, mostly kylo/ren stuff, but overall I didn't feel tortured like TLJ. In the end it felt like JJ simply threw everything he could at the wall for whatever reasons leaving fans to love or hate as they want. TLJ felt like somehow being force fed something.
I've enjoyed all of the Starwars movies to some degree. Episode 1 was still the hardest over all. So I'm looking forward to this one as well. Yep I even enjoyed Solo.

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