Stephen Dorff Slams Marvel Studios’ Black Widow: “It Looks like a Bad Video Game”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: New Line Cinema

Marvel Studios recently premiered the 24th film in its long-running Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow. While the movie looks like a decent time for Marvel fans who are interested in learning more about the titular character and core member of the Avengers team played by actress Scarlett Johansson, it’s already beginning to receive some major criticism from figures in the industry. One of those is actor Stephen Dorff, who told UK publication The Independent in an interview published today that Black Widow looked “like garbage.” Comparing it to a “bad video game,” Dorff went on to say that he was embarrassed for Johansson (despite her lucrative earnings) and everyone involved in the movie, and that he had zero interest in being a part of such films. Stephen Dorff is best known for playing vampire villain Deacon Frost in New Line...

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Reads like someone who's bitter that he's not been offered something in the MCU more than anything else.
I have no idea who Dorff is, or why I should care about his opinion.

Even looking his IMDB up...

2004 Britney Spears: Greatest Hits - My Prerogative (Video)
Boyfriend (segment "Everytime")
2004 Britney Spears: Everytime (Video short)

And there was one episode of Diff'rent Strokes he played a stand-in kid - might have seen him there - I watched a lot of that in syndication when I was young.

Yup. I'm done here.
This dude peaked in 1998 with Blade. His IMDB page reads like a dude who will be in anything, aka Nic Cage or Bruce Willis. Except those guys were actual stars at one point... but hey he was on a lot of 80's TV shows as a kid.
I mostly like the MCU movies but I have no illusions about what they are. Meanwhile, this guy sounds like someone bitter over their own career choices and pissing on someone else's to let off steam. However, I do have my own doubts about this Black Widow movie but I'll wait until I see it before commenting.
Deacon Frost and yeah Black Widow sucks, but not because of the cgi, that's sub par too, don't get me wrong, but that's the least of its problems.
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