Streamer "GiantWaffle" Sets World Record by Playing Video Games for 572 Hours


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
There aren't many gamers in the world who are crazy enough to spend 19 hours every day playing video games over the course of an entire month, but streamer Andrew "GiantWaffle" Bodine is one of them. Bodine has managed to score a world record for himself by broadcasting 30 19-hour streams in a row, which totaled over 570 hours of gaming time. He apparently spent "months" training for the challenge, going so far as adjusting his circadian rhythm so he could get by with less sleep.

If you’re wondering why he’d subject himself to something like this, which is not only brutal on a personal level but also representative of a wider problem of “grind” amongst streamers, Bodine says the stress “is 100% worth it in my eyes. Viewership goes through the roof for the entirety of the month. Currently I’m averaging 4 to 10 times my normal statistics such as: viewer hours, unique visitors, subscribers.”
Well, dude is averaging 7000-8000 subs a month. That comes out to about $17,000-24,000 a month, not counting ad revenue which can be another couple grand. Plus whatever he makes in bits. Could easily be pulling in $30,000 a month from streaming.

Seems worth it to me.
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This is not something I would be proud of.......
It changes nothing for anyone, excepting maybe this guy's bank account.
If he gave away some of his earnings to a good cause, maybe then.........but really a first world accomplishment, made possible by engineers
and technology.
I'd stream full time if I could make what I make as a hack. Now of course, I can't make that, so I'm a hack.
The irony of making money this way is that due to sleep deprivation he'll make a bunch of mistakes in what he does with the money, thereby negating the whole endeavor in the first place. Assuming of course that money was his primary motivation.
is there any other reason? That is, after all, why these people stream full time.
But I have to say it's simply a waste of time and technology.
It has no greater significance than setting a "world record" for eating the most goldfish or hotdogs.
Sitting on your ***, watching another guy sit on his *** and play video games......I'm sorry I missed the point somewhere.
But I have to say it's simply a waste of time and technology.
It has no greater significance than setting a "world record" for eating the most goldfish or hotdogs.
Sitting on your ***, watching another guy sit on his *** and play video games......I'm sorry I missed the point somewhere.

Couldn't agree more.

I mean, I can understand why some people may want to stream. Who wouldn't want to make money doing nothing but playing all day long?

The part I really don't understand is why all these people are watching the streams.

I grew up in the 8 bit Nintendo era. It was absolutely painful to sit there watching other people play Super Mario Bros. while waiting for your turn. Why would I ever choose to watch someone else play a game, when I can play it myself? Are people really that bored?

I wish I had enough time to be even half as bored as I would have to be to watch someone else play a video game over the internet.

I was lucky enough to have lived in blissful ignorance of this whole streaming thing for the longest time. In ~2014 or so, I posted a picture on facebook of my desktop. In the picture was my large cardioid microphone I had bought years prior when I had a music hobby, but which I these days was just using for games, because I had it and it worked.


What of the first comments was: Do you stream?

My response was something to the effect of: Do I what?

And that's how my respect for humanity dropped even lower than it had previously been.
Nicely put.
to be honest, I have never watched a single "stream" and don't intend to.
I'll watch a guy repair a motor or build a house(in real life, not on a computer) because I might learn something.
But to watch somebody play a video game, I have other things to do.
I don't even watch much on regular or "streamed" TV anymore. It's just not interesting.
I've found reading is more to my liking now, plus it helps keep my brain from turning to mush.
Playing video games is supposed to be fun. Emphasis on the "playing" part. I simply don't understand how anyone would want to watch someone else play a game. It's not something I am capable of fathoming.

As for the guy in the article. I swear if I had ever done anything like that it would probably make me never play another single video game in my life. I would get so **** sick of games playing that much and for that long. It sounds more like a punishment than anything else.
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