Survey: Only 3% of Call of Duty PlayStation Players Would Switch to Xbox If Franchise Became Exclusive


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The U.K.'s Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) doesn't seem to think that Microsoft's pending acquisition of Activision Blizzard should go through because it thinks the company will inevitably make Call of Duty exclusive, forcing many gamers to abandon PlayStation for Xbox if the $68.7 billion deal were to happen, but new numbers are now suggesting that this isn't as big of a concern as CMA has been claiming. According to a YouGov survey commissioned by Microsoft in January, only 3% of Call of Duty fans would make the switch to Xbox, a much lower number than what the CMA found with its own survey, which estimated that 15% would have switched consoles. Survey results aside, Microsoft has taken various steps to assure everyone that the Call of Duty franchise isn't going exclusive, such as entering into a 10-year commitment with competitors that include Nintendo.

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I have doubts that cod will go exclusive even after said 10years... makes no sense money wise, why deny yourself billions. I get what they do with franchises like mario and zelda to drive console sales, but in many ways cod is different, its been widespread, making tons of money becuase of this to take it and close it, makes no sense to me, you can come with plenty of other exclusive stuff to try and drive the sales of your console.
I could see it. They kept Halo exclusive and that probably would have been bigger than CoD had they opened it up to all platforms.

That, and “Xbox” still means PC — so yeah they would shoot themselves in the foot but it wouldn’t take off the whole leg.
I could see it. They kept Halo exclusive and that probably would have been bigger than CoD had they opened it up to all platforms.

That, and “Xbox” still means PC — so yeah they would shoot themselves in the foot but it wouldn’t take off the whole leg.

Yeah but Halo was exclusive (well, non PS) from the start. Taking CoD away from PS is like trying to shove genie back in the bottle. Plus, as many have mentioned, losing out on billions... just to spite Sony? MS could do it, but doesn't mean they should
I'm waiting for Ms to get tired of sony and do a hostile takeover.
I'm waiting for Ms to get tired of sony and do a hostile takeover.
That would be an.... *clears throat*... "bold" move.

That is from last year but rates net value for MS @ 2.2 Trillion (with a f*cking T) and Sony at 143 Billion. Also I doubt Sony would go down without a fight. And if you pick a fight with one of Japan's crown jewel companies, you pick a fight with all of them. It would be a ballsy move but probably not the smartest one.

Also from last year:
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