Take-Two CEO Updates That a Later Grand Theft Auto VI PC Release Could Happen


Staff member
May 28, 2019
The Take-Two CEO was asked about a PC release, since presently the game has only been announced to arrive in 2025 for consoles, and he seemingly provided a water-is-wet type of answer while also dancing around the question.

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We already know how Rockstar rolls. Either they never put the game out on PC (like RDR1), or they take years to port it, and the port usually isn't very good. I'm still pretty sure the only reason GTA V ended up on PC is cuz Rockstar was already making an AMD64/x86-64 version for 8th-gen consoles, so they figured might as well slap that version on PC too. When I heard no mention of a PC version when GTA 6 was announced, I figured it was Rockstar sticking to its usual ways. GTA V came out on PC 2 years after console. Honestly that's not bad for Rockstar. I'm surprised RDR2 was only about a year after release, cuz I seem to remember it taking much longer. If a big console game comes to PC within 3 years, I consider that to be pretty fast.
The climate is different now than it was in 2013. I think many more people are willing to wait for a PC version now instead of jumping on the console release. I'm going even further than that, I'm not playing the console version even if they categorically say there will be no PC release.
I'm skipping this one anyways, never could realy get into these games, V was the worst think I seen less then 5% b4 getting stuck without follow up quests
Well, they made Billions off of V, and you have to know they keep a close eye on who is spending and from which platform. That is where the development will go.
I'm skipping this one anyways, never could realy get into these games, V was the worst think I seen less then 5% b4 getting stuck without follow up quests
I agree on V being the worst, after I finished the main campaign I dropped it in an instant, while I continued to play all others before it for dozens of hours as a sandbox. Heck, I've finished the campaign of IV at least three times, I don't remember the exact number.
Look, I was never going to buy or play this game anyway, but unless it is significantly later, as some sort of promotional exclusive thing, I can understand why.

The Cyberpunk launch should have taught everyone in the industry a lesson or two about why you don't try to launch on too many platforms at the same time.
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