Terraforming Mars Is Currently Free on Epic Games Store


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The Epic Games Store's latest freebie is Terraforming Mars, a turn-based strategy game from the developers at Asmodee Digital that takes players to space and charges them with building up cities, production, and more on the red planet.

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I might load it up to see what it's like. Dunno yet.
I was going to get it last night, but never claimed it myself.
I loaded it up last night, the tutorial was "wall of text" and I wasn't in the mood to sit and puzzle it out at the time.

Something about cards and turn based, but when it finally got done ramming 20+ pages of text instruction at me to let me do something, nothing worked except "Pass".

I don't know. Has promise. Might give it another go if I get a wild hair, but after a few Cinco Margraritas, I just couldn't do it.
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