Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy Appears on Microsoft Store


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

Square Enix is planning a new compilation of Crystal Dynamics’ modern Tomb Raider titles called Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy. The upcoming release was revealed by Microsoft, which published a listing for the bundle on its official store today. Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy comprises Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition.

“Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy is the complete edition of the award-winning Tomb Raider origin game,” a description reads. “This collection contains all the definitive edition content from each critically acclaimed prequel title—Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration, and...

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Looks like MS took that page down. Probably to fix various errors. If they price it competitively this could be a neat bundle for those who didn't get them the first time around.

I'm just finishing a playthrough of SOTR whit all the various new hardware upgrades I've made from 2019-2020. Using an RTX 3090 I've been able t to play it in 32:9, 10240x2880(DSR 2x 5120x1440), raytracing at medium, AA off, for a mostly 60-80 FPS experience. It's been pretty awesome. Keep hoping SE will update the game to use DLSS to 2.0 because right now it's limited to 1.0 resolutions. For those wondering, it averages around 10-11 GB VRAM with those settings. It would be interesting to see what its performance would be like in the native CRG9 resolution with DLSS on. We all know that's not a simple thing but it would be nice.
The 1st one (of the reboots) was ok. I am stuck about half way on Rise... seems like all I have done is scale mountains and shooting wildlife for crafting. Bored with tit.
Got stuck on some Baba Yaga side mission and couldn't get past it. Haven't made it to Shadow yet but I think I "own" it from PS+ .

These have been so cheap on PC bundle deals and free on PS+ already

These games are so tedious I wish there was some way, ANY way, to skip past certain levels.
The 1st one (of the reboots) was ok. I am stuck about half way on Rise... seems like all I have done is scale mountains and shooting wildlife for crafting. Bored with tit.
Got stuck on some Baba Yaga side mission and couldn't get past it. Haven't made it to Shadow yet but I think I "own" it from PS+ .

These have been so cheap on PC bundle deals and free on PS+ already

These games are so tedious I wish there was some way, ANY way, to skip past certain levels.
I was in the exact same boat, finished the first game then started the second immediately but got bored of it. Then put it on ice for a year. Then tried again and actually liked it more than the first. Shadow of was the weakest by far of the three, it feels unfinished and the most unrealistic of the bunch. I think they wanted it to be more like Uncharted but it just doesn't work.
Yeah, there's definitely some parts in all three that are completely unrealistic. Particularly in the 3rd with some of the jumps and cliff climbing. I also agree about the tedious nature to them. They've really become games I'll try to burn through the main storyline and then go back for the side mission years later. Usually takes me around 2-3 years after each to complete all the bonus tombs and whatnot. Basically filler stuff during other, bigger, gaming sessions. I kind of did the same with Witcher 3 and Metro Exodus.

For me a big part has always been about the tech side of it. The first two supported 3D which looked amazing on my old 27" Asus monitors(1080p 120 Hz and 1440p 144 Hz). They had mutli-GPU support which started with SLI and then progressed to DX12 mGPU. The last one has some pretty incredible ray tracing effects but as stated it is still limited to DLSS 1.0 so you need a pretty strong GPU to enjoy without DLSS at anything around 4K and all other settings maxed. The third also supports Dolby Atmos which really adds to it all with sounds for the various jungle and other environments. It's HDR can look amazing when played on the right display as well. I've definitely spent some time drinking beers, while in a cave with the rebels, watching the shadows and flame effects on the walls and showing it off to friends. Their attempt to add mud effects was interesting too.
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