Ubisoft Loses Another Veteran: Child of Light Director Leaves Company after Almost 20 Years


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
What's good at Ubisoft? Nothing much, it seems, as another of the company's grizzled developers have decided to jump ship from the company. The latest to make their escape from the NFT-happy publisher is Patrick Plourde, a nearly 20-year veteran who should ring an immediate bell for fans of Child of Light.

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That's actually a smooth move for him. Keeps making money as a contractor and can take on personal projects that don't become ubisoft property. Win win.
R6 Vegas, AC, FC3... ahhh... A time very very VERY long ago when Ubi only cared about its TRUE bread and butter, gamers, not its today's "representations!"

Get woke, go broke!
I have no idea who individual developers are for these games. These names never ring a bell for me. Sometimes when they are the media face of a company for certain projects I'll recognize their names but this is very rare. Casey Hudson formerly of BioWare is one of the only ones I can think of that fits this description.
I have no idea who individual developers are for these games. These names never ring a bell for me. Sometimes when they are the media face of a company for certain projects I'll recognize their names but this is very rare. Casey Hudson formerly of BioWare is one of the only ones I can think of that fits this description.
Same. I can name maybe half a dozen: Kojima, McQuaid, Garriot, Sweeney, Carmack -- that's about all I got off the top of my head. And most of them are so old they don't develop games anymore, or are sadly deceased.
Same. I can name maybe half a dozen: Kojima, McQuaid, Garriot, Sweeney, Carmack -- that's about all I got off the top of my head. And most of them are so old they don't develop games anymore, or are sadly deceased.
Carmack, Romero, Casey Hudson, Mac Walters, Hideo Kojima, and Drew Karpyshyn and the only ones I can think of. Mac Walters and Drew Karpyshyn being writers for games, though they aren't limited to that alone.

That pretty much covers it. At one time I knew a lot of animators and 3D modelers but they've all moved out of the industry at this point.
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