Valve Is Pretty Sure That Half-Life: Alyx Is Going to Get Modded So It Can Be Played Without VR


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Valve

After 13 years, we finally have a new Half-Life game to play, but there’s a huge problem for old-school fans: Alyx can only be played with an expensive VR set. That may not be the case for long, however.

Speaking with Polygon, Valve’s Robin Walker mentioned that a keyboard and mouse mod for Half-Life: Alyx was inevitable. But he – nor anyone on his team – seem particularly worried, as the game was specifically designed for VR and wouldn’t translate well to traditional controls.

Image: Valve

“The answer to this diverges significantly depending on which members of the team you talk to, so this answer is definitely just from me,” Walker explained...

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I’m not really able to get into vr, so I’m happy to hear they’re open to the idea. Their goal to be that “must have” vr title would encourage them to lock it down. I’m glad they’re not focused entirely on that goal alone.
Valve: " Never say never to obscene amounts of money"
I was resistant to VR from the start.
I jumped in and bought an Index when Alyx released.
This game is THE best video game experience I have ever had, bar none.
I have been gaming since Half Life 1 was released.
You can now "step into" that world and experience a very realistic world, head crabs and all.
Cudos to Valve.
I have been playing for over 6 hours and haven't finished chapter 3. There's alot to see and do.
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I was resistant to VR from the start.
I jumped in and bought an Index when Alyx released.
This game is THE best video game experience I have ever had, bar none.
I have been gaming since Half Life 1 was released.
You can now "step into" that world and experience a very realistic world, head crabs and all.
Cudos to Valve.
I have been playing for over 6 hours and haven't finished chapter 3. There's alot to see and do.

What is movement like? Can you use a kb and mouse or controllers only? If it's teleport to move I might say no thanks that messes with my head I would prefer to move with a controller.
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