Warner Bros. Is Thinking about Moving Dune Back to a Traditional Theatrical Release to “Preserve Its Franchise Potential”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Warner Bros.

Dune fans who want to see Dennis Villeneuve’s take on Frank Herbert’s epic science-fiction novel when it debuts may have to venture out to cinemas after all. According to a Deadline report regarding Denzel Washington’s new thriller, The Little Things, Warner Bros. is considering moving the blockbuster back to a traditional theatrical release instead of debuting it simultaneously in both cinemas and HBO Max.

The supposed reason for this is to “preserve its franchise potential,” but we can’t help but think that all of the drama and controversy that has ensued from distribution partners and filmmakers had...

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I dunno that you can put this toothpaste back in the tube...
How will that work after announcing they were releasing it?
"Franchise potential"-LOL! I admit that I did like Blade Runner 2049 and was looking forward to this but between character recasts and the trailers, I don't have a lot of hope for this thing. Hope I'm wrong because I'm a big fan of the story but that trailer didn't show enough to give a good impression outside of the worm.
Why cut off an alternate avenue of revenue potential? Makes absolutely no sense. Cinemas are not going to magically go back to prior audience numbers at the end of next year.
Why cut off an alternate avenue of revenue potential? Makes absolutely no sense. Cinemas are not going to magically go back to prior audience numbers at the end of next year.
This is a 100% pure release to gauge audience impact. If the audience bitches enough about not getting dune on max, then they will write a bigger check to the partners and those that get points on the project. If there isn't enough complaining then they simply pull it from Max and avoid the headache.
I so called this. I knew when it came time to release the big ones they would waffle. The movie chain execs were probably calling the WB CEO day and night screaming their heads off.

I figured they would get away with Wonder Woman since it's been done forever and was just sitting there being delayed over and over. But not the upcoming bigs like Dune and Matrix.
If WB steps up to the plate with a big enough check then the studio's will back off. Guaranteed money is a lot better than 'if people will risk their lives to see DUNE' money. They just need enough guaranteed income.
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