Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 Source Code Leaked


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 have just made a resurgence, but for reasons that Microsoft won’t be happy about. The source code for both of these dead-and-buried operating systems (which reached end of life on April 19, 2009 and July 13, 2010, respectively) have leaked online and are readily accessible via torrent sites and file hosts such as

Users on 4channel’s /g/ were some of the first to spread information regarding the leak, but increasing media outlets are confirming that Windows XP and Windows Server 2003’s source is out in the wild. “The Verge has verified the material is legitimate, and a Microsoft spokesperson tells us that the company is ‘investigating the matter,’ the site wrote.

As many of you are probably aware, the leak of proprietary source...

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I miss some Windows XP. Chances of some really smart people fixing the security issues, updating the core and getting it working on modern systems? Please.
That would be sooooo amazing if it happened but I am not very hopeful haha. That period of time from like 1998-2007 had so many nostalgic games I miss that are highly incompatible with any modern OS. Thats what I miss about XP/7 the most.
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