Xbox Series X|S Are the Only Next-Gen Consoles with AMD’s Full RDNA 2 Architecture


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

In a potential blow to Sony fans, Microsoft has shared a story confirming that the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are the only next-gen consoles that fully leverage AMD’s RDNA 2 architecture, which brings massive gains in both performance and efficiency.

We saw the potential for what RDNA 2 can bring to the table during red team’s Radeon RX 6000 Series announcement yesterday, but while the PlayStation 5 also features a GPU based on that...

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There is more to this story. Microsoft is fully invested in DirectX since it is their own API, and this sounds like more marketing speak to instill doubt in people's minds about their competition. Sony is still using their own proprietary API, as far as I'm aware, which probably have features that mirror DX12 Ultimate to some extent. But there is no doubt that the PS5, with 30% fewer compute units, is a weaker GPU compared to the Series X.
There is more to this story. Microsoft is fully invested in DirectX since it is their own API, and this sounds like more marketing speak to instill doubt in people's minds about their competition. Sony is still using their own proprietary API, as far as I'm aware, which probably have features that mirror DX12 Ultimate to some extent. But there is no doubt that the PS5, with 30% fewer compute units, is a weaker GPU compared to the Series X.
True true. Supposedly Sony has their own people when it comes to gpus and they worked with AMD or some such. Read about it a while ago, but I think I remembering it right.
You're right there is more to this story. Sony is missing most of what makes RDNA2 good and there's nothing in the sdk to make up for it. They are using RDNA1 cores with RT Hardware pinned on. That's as close as sony gets to RDNA2
You don't think Microsoft has their own gpu team? They do and every modern gpu is based on microsofts 360 design. They merged the pixel and vertex shader pipelines increasing efficiency by insane amounts.

It was the first GPU (including PC) to do this and 6 months later the first mixed shader pipeline launched on PC.

Microsoft owns the patent on that and quite a few other gpu technologies so everytime a GPU is sold whether it's for pc or in a console Microsoft gets paid.

On the other hand not a single modification sony has made to a gpu has found it's way into any other GPU. When sony "customizes" a gpu it's not about adding functions it's nothing more than layout and compatibility changes with their often strange cpu architecture's. For the ps5 the modification was adding ray tracing capability to RDNA1 and making it compatible with their waste of time custom ssd controller. I call it a waste of time because Microsoft and AMD solved loading speed issues in other ways...less expensive ways and ways that will be merged with the PC space so games will load significantly quicker there too and they will be able to pull data fast enough to load it all on the fly just like what was shown by Cerny in that sad ps5 unveil where they only talked about 3d audio (the xbox one and series x/s have the same 3d audio btw) and the ssd controller they created because they didn't have faith AMD would deliver...but they did and sony lost out.
You're right there is more to this story. Sony is missing most of what makes RDNA2 good and there's nothing in the sdk to make up for it. They are using RDNA1 cores with RT Hardware pinned on. That's as close as sony gets to RDNA2
You know Sony is a bit known for having unique implementations. It's clear that MS doesn't want that because they want those Xbox games to work on windows, and their streaming service, and if they can use the same API's across the board it's a win win for them. Imagine someone using a PS5 to stream/play Xbox whatever games on it? That would be a HUGE win for MS, but I don't see it happening. Sony will lock that down.
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