Rivals Still Mad at Microsoft despite One-Click Default Browser Change: “Abusing Their Power to Push Edge onto Users”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Microsoft pissed a lot of people off when it decided to make the process of setting default apps in Windows 11 absurdly complex, forcing users who wanted to do something as simple as switching to a third-party browser to go through multiple file types and protocols (e.g., .HTML, HTTP) before being able to switch away from Edge.

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Boy oh boy....I just installed W11 for my daughter on a new machine.
DAnm, an entire page of check offs to change from edge to chrome. It took like 15 minutes of fooling around to finally get the browser to work
correctly. MS must really want edge to be the deal.
I read an article the other day about just this.
I can see why edge is gaining, it's a big PITA to switch so why not just say screw it and use edge.
Abuse what power, they have less then 5% marketshare with edge?
To be fair, I haven't tried 11 yet, but from what I'm getting from this story is that the main difference between 11 and 10 here, it sounds like, is that Windows 11 is actually telling you all the file types that Edge is tied to.

Sure in Windows 10 you can change the default browser with a click or two but how many people ever went into the default apps/file types sections and saw how many Edge was still set to default app for? I have and there's a lot. Until you start installing other apps and changing them it's amazing how clicking on something while in another browser will open Edge.

I agree it sucks but if anything it sounds like 11 at least puts in a process for users to deal with the insanity. With 10 you had to either just leave it, deal with it when something unexpectedly launched Edge, install something that gave an option to switch defaults, or manually scroll through all the file types. I do admit that I like how iOS and Android each have a menu that'll pop up to let you change things as needed but I've seen all three OSs throw things out the window when a major update comes through.
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