Alan Wake 2, Baldur’s Gate 3, and Nintendo Lead The Game Awards 2023 Nominees


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Geoff Keighley has announced the nominees for The Game Awards 2023, revealing some of the potential winners in as many as 31 categories, including Game of the Year, Best Narrative, and Best Game Direction.

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People are moaning online that Starfield didn't get nominated. I'm like... what... BG3 blew the doors off this one. Pretty much other nominees are just to fill in gaps.
People are moaning online that Starfield didn't get nominated. I'm like... what... BG3 blew the doors off this one. Pretty much other nominees are just to fill in gaps.
Unless there is a category for ship building, Starfield doesn't deserve a nomination for game of the year. There is absolutely nothing about the game which would qualify it for such consideration.

I actually enjoy Starfield for the most part, but the fact of the matter is it would be entirely mediocre were it not for the ship builder. Bethesda is still making games like they did in 2005 but somehow failed to deliver the same quality of sandbox experience it usually does which is saying something. Some of Bethesda's design decisions are baffling to say the least and their game mechanics are woefully outdated.

The ship builder is a stand out feature for me in the game and it has a lot to do with why I've sunk so much time into the game. Even then, I would have dropped that earlier were it not for the mod community making things much more interesting. The space combat isn't as plentiful as it needs to be once you are at higher levels. The combat is serviceable but not very interesting. The enemies are spongy and the weapons imbalanced to a point where only a few feel viable in any way narrowing down an already narrow list of weapons.

You spend a lot of time doing administrative tasks which aren't fun. Managing 800 self-replicating dumbells and other stupid **** that magically appears in my ships cargo bays is tedious to the point on bordering on maddening. Then there are the bugs. The most annoying of which is the one that causes save files to take about 8-10 minutes to load even on a higher end system. That's absolute bullshit. It may have launched in a better state than Bethesda games usually do, but the game is still a buggy mess. Bethesda's patches have introduced more problems than they've solved. (That's not hyperbole, that's ****ing true.)
People are moaning online that Starfield didn't get nominated. I'm like... what... BG3 blew the doors off this one. Pretty much other nominees are just to fill in gaps.

Baldies Fate 3 isn't even on my "interested in playing some day" list.

As far as I'm concerned there were only two interesting titles this year. Starfield and the Cyberpunk expansion. Everything else is forgettable.

Edit: LOL, that was a real typo/autocorrect/whatever, I swear 😅
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People are moaning online that Starfield didn't get nominated. I'm like... what... BG3 blew the doors off this one. Pretty much other nominees are just to fill in gaps.
I'm curious about BG3, but I think it can never live up to the hype that surrounds it. My instincts tell me give it a very wide berth. I see more than one red flags about it. I'll wait until price drops to around half before trying it, so I don't feel so bad about the money wasted if my spidey senses are proven right yet again.
Unless there is a category for ship building, Starfield doesn't deserve a nomination for game of the year. There is absolutely nothing about the game which would qualify it for such consideration.
I disagree. Game of the year is subjective, there are no objective metrics that would qualify a game for consideration. It's all about how much you enjoyed the game, and for me there are two titles that stood out this year: Starfield and Jagged Alliance 3. So those are my two nominees for GOTY. Granted I have not tried BG3 or Phantom Liberty (CP2077 2.0) yet, but even so Starfield and JA3 would still be in the running if I did try those and found them to be amazing.
I actually enjoy Starfield for the most part, but the fact of the matter is it would be entirely mediocre were it not for the ship builder. Bethesda is still making games like they did in 2005 but somehow failed to deliver the same quality of sandbox experience it usually does which is saying something. Some of Bethesda's design decisions are baffling to say the least and their game mechanics are woefully outdated.
I agree about the woefully outdated mechanics, but the game is more than the sum of its parts. I actually found the sandbox experience far better than in Skyrim (which did win numerous GOTY awards). It is also better than FO4. FO3 and Oblivion might still have it beat in the sandbox, but overall, I prefer Starfield even to those.

I like the ship builder, but it is far from being the only thing that stands out about the game. I use it more as an occasional distraction than the main focus.
The ship builder is a stand out feature for me in the game and it has a lot to do with why I've sunk so much time into the game. Even then, I would have dropped that earlier were it not for the mod community making things much more interesting. The space combat isn't as plentiful as it needs to be once you are at higher levels. The combat is serviceable but not very interesting. The enemies are spongy and the weapons imbalanced to a point where only a few feel viable in any way narrowing down an already narrow list of weapons.
The only problem I have with vanilla ship builder is how expensive it is, I've never even hit the max build size once. The only "mod" I'm using is changing the vendor buy price to 50% in console and giving traders more money so I can flog my loot. Why am I not skipping all that and just give myself the money? Because I'm enjoying the gameplay loop as is, it just needs some balance tweaks.

I find the combat oddly satisfying both on foot and ship to ship. I usually dislike spongy enemies, but here where everyone wears armored spacesuits it is not immersion breaking. And the combat feels fair, I'm in control and never feel like the AI / game is cheating.

I agree about weapons though, most of them feel useless, you find one good weapon and end up using that for the rest of the play through.
You spend a lot of time doing administrative tasks which aren't fun. Managing 800 self-replicating dumbells and other stupid **** that magically appears in my ships cargo bays is tedious to the point on bordering on maddening. Then there are the bugs. The most annoying of which is the one that causes save files to take about 8-10 minutes to load even on a higher end system. That's absolute bullshit. It may have launched in a better state than Bethesda games usually do, but the game is still a buggy mess. Bethesda's patches have introduced more problems than they've solved. (That's not hyperbole, that's ****ing true.)
It isn't magical, when you modify your ship all the junk that your crew hoards gets moved to the cargo hold. I see it as free credits, you leave your **** laying around, I'm selling it :D

At least Bethesda's DLSS implementation is far better than the mod was, the FPS is better and the IQ is also better. But their other solutions are so incompetent. Like they added the eat button, but it only works for food laying around in the open. If it is in a container or on an enemy, you still have to move it to the inventory and can only use it from there. :mad:
Baldies Fate 3 isn't even on my "interested in playing some day" list.
It's on my list, but I'm kind of more interested in it as a form of catastrophe tourism, to see how bad it actually is. Because every fiber of my being is screaming at me: Don't buy that game, you'll hate it.
You spend a lot of time doing administrative tasks which aren't fun. Managing 800 self-replicating dumbells and other stupid **** that magically appears in my ships cargo bays is tedious to the point on bordering on maddening.
I think you nailed it on the head why I haven''t been able to get engaged with this game. Sure, I can get into grinding away for XP and abilities with other games, which in turn can unlock more content but this game, like many others, leaves me feeling like I picked up another job. I've already got enough admin tasks with the day job and don't want or need more when I'm trying to relax.
At least Bethesda's DLSS implementation is far better than the mod was, the FPS is better and the IQ is also better.
I had been wondering about that.

...but this game, like many others, leaves me feeling like I picked up another job. I've already got enough admin tasks with the day job and don't want or need more when I'm trying to relax.
Maaaan I feel you there, dawg. I know what you're talking about. Not with Starfield specifically, cuz I've yet to play that game, but I've run into plenty of games that made me feel that way.
Maaaan I feel you there, dawg. I know what you're talking about. Not with Starfield specifically, cuz I've yet to play that game, but I've run into plenty of games that made me feel that way.
I instantly drop games that make me feel that way, but selling off misc stuff from your inventory in starfield is not nearly as bad as say turning stuff to omni-gel in ME1. Where you had the distinct chance to accidentally turn your favorite weapon to omni gel too.
Unless there is a category for ship building, Starfield doesn't deserve a nomination for game of the year. There is absolutely nothing about the game which would qualify it for such consideration.

I think it is a good game that was just overhyped.

It deserves credit for a solid mystery/suspense type of story line (at least in the beginning), absolutely massive side quest lines that are bigger than some games are in total, good fun gun play, and they deserve at least some credit for it being largely completely playable with minimal bugs on launch day. (but maybe a demerit for how poorly it runs on even relatively high end systems)

I'd argue it should be a candidate for game of the year. Is it one of my favorite games of all time? No. But my 200 hour play-through was as much enjoyment as I've gotten out of any game in recent memory. I'm told things can be different in NG+ mode, but the little time I've spent in NG+, other than the very beginning, it has seemed mostly the same, so I don't know what I am missing, or if the differences thing has been overstated.

Considering that I only really play first person and turn based strategy games, for me Starfield was one of the strongest titles in a year of titles that were OK at best. I have not yet played the Cyberpunk expansion though. If it lives up to the original story, it promises to be really good as well.

So yeah, for me, 2023 was a Phantom Liberty and Starfield kind of year. Nothing else interested me. So from my perspective, at least one of those two has to be "Game of the year" :p
It deserves credit for a solid mystery/suspense type of story line (at least in the beginning), absolutely massive side quest lines that are bigger than some games are in total, good fun gun play, and they deserve at least some credit for it being largely completely playable with minimal bugs on launch day. (but maybe a demerit for how poorly it runs on even relatively high end systems)
I think if I can figure out how to do a playthrough and focus on the quests while avoiding all the micromanagement I might be able to enjoy it more. I'd nominate Hogwarts for best game but only just to have it in the category. I wouldn't want, or expect it to win but do believe it should be in the list as I had a huge amount of fun with it. Still have to get into Phantom Liberty.
It just occurred to me, it would be hilarious if folks got a campaign going for Gollum just to screw with the whole process. Sort of like reverse review bombing.
side quest lines that are bigger than some games are in tota
I actually think that's not true. Even the entire quest line where you work for the UC as Vanguard leading to the whole UC Sec OPS missions with the pirates and completing that... with proper understanding of fast travel... it really isn't THAT much content. It's still impressive don't get me wrong. but a full game? Maybe a COD single player full game.
I think if I can figure out how to do a playthrough and focus on the quests while avoiding all the micromanagement I might be able to enjoy it more.
Dude.. check out I've had a lifetime sub for over a decade it feels like. (Got it when they were hard up for cash for like 20 bucks.) I can play starfield with as much assistance or not, bump my credits up so I don't feel like I need to chase money to progress the game. Unlock all of the skills at level 1, and just play the game and enjoy the story/world without the fiddly bits I don't care about getting in the way. Oh and give yourself a chunk of XP to clear all of the annoying level unlocks too for ship parts and such.

They SHOULD have had some ship parts behind a reputation grind of some sort. (Do missions for them not go farm 99 blue rocks from the red planet.)
Dude.. check out I've had a lifetime sub for over a decade it feels like.
Already there. For me it's between 5-10 years. I always like to start my games w/o until I get used to all the controls/mechanics and then switch over when I'm ready. I can't remember if I got that far with this one though.
I actually think that's not true. Even the entire quest line where you work for the UC as Vanguard leading to the whole UC Sec OPS missions with the pirates and completing that... with proper understanding of fast travel... it really isn't THAT much content. It's still impressive don't get me wrong. but a full game? Maybe a COD single player full game.
I think I've easily spent 15 hours on the big side quests each. Of course it is easy to get distracted and do some exploration during, but still there are many games that can be finished in 15 hours. But that's not even the whole picture. A 15 hour game for example say alan wake often gets boring and tedious during that time, while 15 hours in Starfield goes by like nothing.
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