No consent needed. Its called the MIB, don't worry, they know everything about you. You know all those codes that your doctor uses, they have all those. Yeah, maybe not specific results as in your hemoglobin was 14.0 in the year 2020. But really everything else they have, all the diagnostic codes likely all the test ordered etc and prescriptions.
You are protecting nothing, you are paranoid about nothing, all the wrong people have the most information already, lawfully style.
Sure, of course a darkweb leak about your actual bonifide results might happen, yes, and that would suck a lot, that someone somewhere might know you suffer from recurrent chamydia or whaeltever, or had testicular cancer or whatver, painful embarrassing, absolutely, also useless.
I think I would take back all this I am saying if you have been 100% cash all your life for healthcare, but even then I would not be completely sure about this.
Again, each and every relevant player that cna affect your life, your costs for insurance, life insurance health insurance, already know you like a book.