AMD Endorsing DDR4-4000 Memory for Ryzen 5000 Series Processors


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Images: AMD

This is kind of a no-brainer, but those of you who are planning on upgrading to AMD’s Ryzen 5000 Series processors and wish to maximize their performance will definitely want to step up to some faster RAM – DDR-4000 or higher, to be exact. That specification was highlighted in an official slide shared by Technopat, which elaborates on Zen 3’s memory overclocking potential and what type of RAM the CPUs will need to really thrive.

AMD has broken down three important clockspeeds beyond core frequency that enthusiasts should be thinking about. These are Infinity Fabric Clock (fclk), Memory Controller Clock (uclk), and Memory Clock (mclk), all of which...

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I like how it says: "Good luck!" AMD knows getting RAM to click on AM4 is a pain in the *** and it often does come down to dumb luck.
...let alone finding kits with higher densities. I settled on 3200 because that's all I could find in a 2x32GB kit, and didn't want to play the motherboard lottery in the future to get one that would work with four sticks for Ryzen. I just don't race computers anymore.
I just kind of assumed that my next mobo and cpu would need faster ram anyway, just hope it's not costly compared to 3200mhz
A quick check on PCpartchecker shows for me about $240 to replace the 3200mhz stuff.
A quick check on PCpartchecker shows for me about $240 to replace the 3200mhz stuff.
Not so bad these days. I sprung $550 for my 32GB DDR4-4000 kit back when RAM prices were out of control, which was just 2 years ago.
I like how it says: "Good luck!" AMD knows getting RAM to click on AM4 is a pain in the *** and it often does come down to dumb luck.
Eh? I haven't had any problems. Maybe it's just my 3200 CL14 Sammy B addiction.

It says "Good Luck!" in regards to hitting 3800 (1900 FCLK), which on the new platform is supposedly 4000 (2000 FCLK).
I can run 1900 FCLK on my board/cpu, but because my power delivery situation is poo - someone turning on the oven, or a vaccuum cleaner, makes my system go boom-boom.
The "expected" FCLK overclock area is 1833-1866, occasionally with 1900 (1933 exists as a unicorn witnessed once upon a blue moon)
Thus the expected FCLK range for Vermeer is likely to be around 1900-1966, occasionally up to 2000 - maybe with more unicorns, maybe not.

pro tip: test performance scaling of fclk, you might screw yourself inadvertedly with HIGHER = BETTER

here's a few memory recommendations (not necessarily from the exact sellers listed on this website, just the memory kits in general)
Cheap dual-rank Micron E, will clock up but won't have nice timings. Fortunately, it's dual-rank - so that's not a gigantic problem.
The slightly more expensive 3600 MT/s bin might have slightly better timings, I couldn't tell you.

Hey look, it's the 3200 CL14 dual-rank Sammy B I bought!
Might not clock up to high frequencies, though 4000 should still be pretty reliably possible, and the timings are good.

If you wanna play it safe, then here's another dual-rank Sammy B kit that will consistently hit high frequencies - might even time a little better if you're lucky.

If you're wondering why they're all dual-rank, then it's because The Meta™ has evolved and we've embraced that dual-rank is Just Better in a frequency-restricted environment.

So now it's not enough to just upgrade the GPU and CPU, we are supposed to upgrade the RAM as well? RAM mfgs must be drooling over this. I say F that noise. I'm not replacing my perfectly functional ram until there is DDR5.
Not so bad these days. I sprung $550 for my 32GB DDR4-4000 kit back when RAM prices were out of control, which was just 2 years ago.
No, it isn't bad, it's just yet another thing to put on the list.

Add in new mobo, processor, video card and ram..... (sigh)

Although, I'm certain, that when this stuff is actually in stock, and assembled, it'll be a worthy box to have.
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