Doesn't sapphire trixx boost app do something similar to DLSS?
Nothing does something functionally similar to DLSS, and like VRR and RT, AMD is late to the game and seriously underinvested in the fundamental technology.
And that's not an attempt to 'hate' on AMD; that's literally just how it is, and it's not something that's going to change overnight.
For 'super-sampling', which is really understating what DLSS is, AMD needs to have access to profiles for games and to be able to leverage their existing hardware to apply those profiles. Nvidia used their own supercomputer to build profiles. Where will AMD get theirs? Is their current architecture even capable of employing the basic technology?
And the biggest question: how are they going to get support into games?
The list of DLSS games isn't that long,
but, it's also infinitely longer than games supporting AMDs yet-to-be-released 'AI super-sampling' solution,
and, game developers already know how to implement DLSS. With AMD, they'd be starting from square one.
Further, looking into how DLSS works, the super-sampling stage needs to be tightly integrated into game rendering pipelines, while also being subject to the same driver dodginess that AMDs graphics division is famous for. AMD is usually about two years or so behind in terms of GPU gaming performance, but unless they have had a supercomputer crunching out supersampling profiles for games for the last year, they're probably more like three years behind in this field.
Despite all the hubbub about AMD being competitive again in terms of raw raster performance, which I'm not at all knocking, they appear to have missed the boat in a number of other areas. And as insurmountable as it seemed for AMD to become competitive in the CPU arena again, it seems that AMD has advantages in that market that they don't have with their GPU technology, and they really will have to actually do the work to catch up across the board.
Now, for something more positive: in a sense, a lot of the work has been done for them, as Nvidia has demonstrated how to accomplish AI supersampling effectively, and AMD has partners in Microsoft and Sony that are likely keenly interested in supporting the infrastructure necessary to develop and employ such a technology. It's still not going to be an overnight thing and where DLSS is employed, AMD are likely to find their GPUs unattractive for years to come, but as that's nothing new to them in general, I wouldn't count them out in the long run.