AMD Reportedly Delaying Zen 3-Based Ryzen 4000 Processors to 2021


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

Most rumors had pegged the launch of AMD’s Ryzen 4000-series processors for later this year, but impatient enthusiasts who are itching to make the jump to Zen 3 may, unfortunately, be in for a longer wait. According to DigiTimes’s Taiwan branch (via Wccftech), red team has decided to push back the release of its fourth-generation Ryzen chips to 2021.

Production issues, right? Nope. This appears to be a business decision that stems from the ongoing sales success of the Ryzen 3000 “Matisse” family, as well as Intel’s inability to compete with its recently launched Comet Lake-S processors, which offer “mediocre” performance.


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Now AMD is doing what Intel has been doing. Why release something better when there's nothing better.
According to the report they might also skip 7nm EUV for 5nm EUV. I hope this gets confirmed soon so people can plan accordingly.
Well with the Matisse refreshes right around the corner it sort of makes sense too. Why flood the market with so much?
Well, other than the obvious why release when what you got can't be beat argument. It also gives them more time to see what Intel responds with which may give them time to go back and tweak/optimize/make better before releasing.
My second thought on this, also means they could release the 4000, forcing newer motherboards to be used. Gets around the whole "Same socket until the end of 2020" commitment.
My second thought on this, also means they could release the 4000, forcing newer motherboards to be used. Gets around the whole "Same socket until the end of 2020" commitment.
Yeah they already have a ton out already. I want Zen 3 as well but I can understand this from a business prospective.
Wasn't zen 2 just released? I think these 2020 rumors have always been bull , daydreaming stuff. To be honest im surprised a refresh is coming already.
I'm all for the wait personally. If we get developers more time to leverage more threads the experience for us will only get better. I'm pretty comfortable saying that gaming needs to catch up and that next gen consoles will help that happen. More and more crossplay between platforms and multi platform means that everyone is competing more for our gaming dollar. And this directly competes with that. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of fab time for 7nm from AMD is going to producing chips for the Xbox and PS5 coming out.
Darn it! Figures AMD dumps coal in my stocking. So much for a Threadripper system this Christmas. Hopefully, they move to the 5nm process for Zen 3 CPU's. I really hope they did not push the RDNA 2 cards back as well.
AMD can afford to sit on their CPU's for bit, but they need to get their respective buttock's in gear on the GPU front me thinks ...
If "delaying" (I argue that since no date has ever been announced afaik) means a proper launch with proper volumes, and a big launch then yeah I think it would be great.
If "delaying" (I argue that since no date has ever been announced afaik) means a proper launch with proper volumes, and a big launch then yeah I think it would be great.

Yar, this is true. I still think it's a bit ridiculous how long we've had to wait for B550 boards, so long after the X570 launch. If the delay also means B650 alongside X670 - that's a positive.
AMD can afford to sit on their CPU's for a bit, but they need to get their respective buttock's in gear on the GPU front me thinks ...
I totally agree. After 10+ years of using NV GPUs, I'd like to have a top tier AMD offering. Unfortunately, I don't believe Big Navi will surpass NV's 3090, or whatever it ends up being called. Thankfully, Brent's 5700 XT THICC III review shows how they are closing that gap on those and at an incredible performance/price level.
I totally agree. After 10+ years of using NV GPUs, I'd like to have a top tier AMD offering. Unfortunately, I don't believe Big Navi will surpass NV's 3090, or whatever it ends up being called. Thankfully, Brent's 5700 XT THICC III review shows how they are closing that gap on those and at an incredible performance/price level.
Yeah, when it comes to mid-range to upper-mid range GPUs AMD has been capable. Hopefully we are both wrong regarding the high end and Big Navi can surpass a 3090 but as of now I am on the same page as you when it comes to what the crystal ball says.
I found it strange that they would now launch the XT CPU's and then new ones in a couple months.
I'm not sure who exactly is going to buy the XT versions since there isn't much of an uplift. I think they are for the people who planned on upgrading this summer and can't wait around for Zen 3.
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