Avowed Developer Says Its Team Targeted Lower FPS Early On for Xbox, “You Don’t Necessarily Need That 60 Frames”


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Art director Matt Hansen said during an exclusive Iron Lords Gamescom podcast that 30 FPS is the bare minimum but that players don't necessarily need 60 FPS due to the game being a first-person RPG.

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For me, 50-60 is mostly the limit but not going to lie that I've been doing testing both with my laptop at 2500x1600 and the 4080 SUPER rig at 4K, and if you've got a VRR display, and games that support it, you can still have a pretty good gaming experience at 40-50 FPS with max IQ native settings. I still prefer 70-90, or more, but have been pleasantly surprised at these other results. However, the rig has to be able to keep frame times/prep as fast as possible to keep it all as smooth as possible.
Fair enough I suppose, but its always disappointing when game developers target 30FPS. 60FPS+ provides a much better gaming experience.
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