Borderlands 4 Teased by Randy Pitchford as Live-Action Movie Flops at Box Office with $8.8 Million Opening

The first Mortal Kombat movie had some questionable CG even for its day, but was generally regarded as the one good video game to film adaptation at the time. The second movie on the other hand had the same reputation as all the rest of them.

Yeah I remember having fun with the first Mortal Kombat movie. It was dumb but enjoyable. Having a killer soundtrack didn't hurt either. I still have that on the USB drive in my car stereo.
It's funny you mention the soundtrack because I was reading a clickbait article about worst video game adaptions a few days ago, and yes they rated Borderlands as no. 1, but somewhere in the list was the first Mortal Combat and they too mentioned the killer soundtrack. There were a few things on the list I didn't agree with but I do remember that part.
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