Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.52 Released, Bringing Additional Improvements to the Game

I've never been able to get into the Witcher series. I know its beloved in the community, and I've tried. I bought the first Witcher game on sale for a few bucks to try to give it an honest try, but I didn't last 10 minutes before I lost interest.
I tried all 3 games too, but they all fell to the wayside after a while. I actually got a few hours into Witcher1, but it bored me out of my mind, so I gave up on it. Then the Witcher 2 actually seemed better for a while. The combat was atrocious though, but I still managed to get 5 or 6 hours into it, when one of Geralt's *******ries brake the horse's back for me. Geralt is one of the least likeable protagonists I've ever played.
As for Witcher 3 it was a combination of Geralt being an ahole, and the mediocre outdated combat that made Skyrim look like a masterpiece.
I guess it's the combination of things I don't like that kill the series for me. Fantasy genre is one, and third person perspective is the other.
I don't mind the fantasy genre, I enjoyed a lot of fantasy games, but still couldn't get into Witcher, I hope the next game might change that, which hints at a possibility of having a new protagonist, maybe even a custom one, which would mean a world of difference.
I wanted to give it an honest try, because I thought I would hate the Dishonored series, but I actually quite liked the first two (haven't played the third yet) despite the magic/mana nonsense.
I'm only aware of two Dishonored games. Unless you count the expansion as a separate game.
That said, I wonder what is in it for them to make this Witcher 3 upgrade at this point. I mean, surely by now everyone who wants Witcher 3 has bought it already. And if they make it a free upgrade, then we are looking at lots of cost to update it, and not much added revenue.
I think they are hoping for a newcomer audience who wasn't yet a gamer when the game released. It's commendable that they don't want to peel another skin off of existing fans.
While I do like the witcher 3, you kinda have to play it for the story, never found the combat of a CDPR game to be anything more then usable.
Oh, I found it less than usable, especially with how you as the player was supposed to remember witcher knowledge to be effective.
To me combat is secondary. I want a couple things to enjoy a game today.

1. Cool story.

2. Good Graphics.. Sorry Indy studio your cell shaded graphics that look like they belong on a PS1 don't do it for me. SIMPLE graphics does not equal BAD though... It has to fit the game.

3. Combat has to be fun but not WTF WHY IS THIS SO ****ING HARD?!
I agree completely,

  1. without a cool story a game has no motive to me, I don't play action games for the sake of it, I do it to experience a story arc and character development.
  2. Yes, Cell shaded graphics belongs in a comic book, not a AAA videogame. This is the reason I pressed hard skip on the entire borderlands series.
  3. I hate it when professional streamers harp on about difficulty, regular people don't have 14 hours a day to waste on Elden Ring. I want a reasonable challenge from games, not frustration.
To me combat is secondary. I want a couple things to enjoy a game today.

1. Cool story.

2. Good Graphics.. Sorry Indy studio your cell shaded graphics that look like they belong on a PS1 don't do it for me. SIMPLE graphics does not equal BAD though... It has to fit the game.

3. Combat has to be fun but not WTF WHY IS THIS SO ****ING HARD?!

I'm similar.

Add in "First Person" for me and that is pretty spot on. I like good combat, but the story and immersiveness of the world is more important to me.

To me, the combat in Cyberpunk was pretty decent. Maybe not the best I've played, but in good copany from a "decent single player FPS treatment" Overall I found it to be a little too easy though, even on "hard" settings.

I like a challenge when I play games like this, so I usually choose the most difficult setting that is not "extreme" (you know, die once, you have to start over, kind of thing). Once in a blue moon I'll wind up in a frustrating situation where I saved in a near impossible situation to get out of, and have to retry a million times pulling my hair out in order to get past it, but this is rare.
Oh yeah? Huh, I don't recall hearing about that. Interesting.
They announced that back in 2021. It was originally intended as part of a new version for the PS5/Xbox console launches last year. Once the fiasco with CB 2077 hit full momentum just about everything got delayed or pushed back. I don't know whatever happened with it but there was a mobile game that was in the works too. Kind of like Pokémon go. I post on it a while back.
I'm down with this!

Just randomly started another playthrough of TW2, and it brings my 3080 12GB to its knees at max settings (Godrays) at 3840x1600. Would be nice to start a second run of TW3 right after!
I did a complete playthrough, from the first game on, back in 2020. Yep, that uber setting in W2 is still pretty crazy. If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend googling optimizations for it. I found some a while back with a few config file tweaks that add some improvement to it. Might have been a Wiki where I found them.
and have to retry a million times pulling my hair out in order to get past it, but this is rare.
Those are usually the times I'll spend an hour, or two, or three in some rare cases, and finally give up and watch a youtube video to figure out wth I'm not getting. For me, it's usually two or three times with the games I'm putting 40-60+ hours into as I try to complete everything, or close to.
I'm not going back into CP until there is more content. I don't want to do the same things over again with a re-rolled character. These are all still just bug fixes and quality of life improvements.
I'm not going back into CP until there is more content. I don't want to do the same things over again with a re-rolled character. These are all still just bug fixes and quality of life improvements.

I'd totally be the same.

I don't usually replay story based games. At least not until enough years have passed that I have mostly fo gotten the story :p

I'm still on my first playthrough though. I was holding off starting until I got around to upgrading my GPU, and that didn't happen until late last year, and I've been moving through it slowly since then. Do t have as much time for games as I used to...
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