Cyberpunk 2077 reviews are trickling in...


FPS Junkie
Aug 15, 2019

IGN loved it... but then again they tend to rate on the high side. He indicated the PC version is riddled with bugs, but the review seems to indicate they didn't provide the 49gb day 1 patch to reviewers yet.

“I’ve had important or emotional conversations undermined by the characters I was talking to glitching between incorrect poses, or the objects they were holding and referencing not load in at all. I’d frequently get phone calls in the middle of other conversations, causing two simultaneous discussions to overlap.”

I love the look of the game, but I think this one might need to bake a little longer. I'd rather wait a month or 3 for the kinks to be worked out. Plus it might be a bit cheaper then too.

Pretty much all the major game sites have reviews now, I'm not going to link all of them.
Meh, I only read reviews of games I don't already intend to buy.
It appears this game is a straight up console port by the way it feels to control and the lack of key binding options. The most annoying of these is that 'F' cannot be bound to another action other than Use, and there appear to be no dedicated keys to get into the menus that access inventory and the like. I thought it was just limited to what you can do in the prologue, but I got out of that and still don't know how to get into the game menus. What the hell is this, CDPR? I have to plug in a controller to access my character sheet now? I will absolutely not be using a controller with this game for anything other than the driving.

EDIT: Okay, I found the keybinds for the game menus. For some reason they're not listed in the options menu. They are bound to 'U', 'I', 'O' and 'K' from what I've found so far.
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I can't play until later today. It unlocked at 2AM, and I have to work through the day.
It appears this game is a straight up console port by the way it feels to control and the lack of key binding options. The most annoying of these is that 'F' cannot be bound to another action other than Use, and there appear to be no dedicated keys to get into the menus that access inventory and the like. I thought it was just limited to what you can do in the prologue, but I got out of that and still don't know how to get into the game menus. What the hell is this, CDPR? I have to plug in a controller to access my character sheet now? I will absolutely not be using a controller with this game for anything other than the driving.

EDIT: Okay, I found the keybinds for the game menus. For some reason they're not listed in the options menu. They are bound to 'U', 'I', 'O' and 'K' from what I've found so far.

Thanks for that! I had no freakin clue how to access menus/inventory.

And. Is foliage bugged for anyone else? Like floating trees and bushes here and there?
Thanks for that! I had no freakin clue how to access menus/inventory.

And. Is foliage bugged for anyone else? Like floating trees and bushes here and there?
Only thing I've noticed so far are bugs crawling out of a solid floor, my car model not being completely loaded for half a second during one cutscene, and my hair not rendering when looking at the mirror in my apartment. Other than the control and interface annoyances the game has been running great for me so far.
Only thing I've noticed so far are bugs crawling out of a solid floor, my car model not being completely loaded for half a second during one cutscene, and my hair not rendering when looking at the mirror in my apartment. Other than the control and interface annoyances the game has been running great for me so far.

Oh, yeah, I also noticed some NPC's rendering without legs. Like, the accessories on their legs were there, but the skin was transparent.
Oh, yeah, I also noticed some NPC's rendering without legs. Like, the accessories on their legs were there, but the skin was transparent.
I think it has a lot to do with the asset streaming. I have the game installed on my 970 Pro and haven't noticed many visual glitches like this, while others with slower drives have noticed more. If anybody installed the game on a HDD, may god be with them. There is a "Slow HDD" option in the game, though.
I think it has a lot to do with the asset streaming. I have the game installed on my 970 Pro and haven't noticed many visual glitches like this, while others with slower drives have noticed more. If anybody installed the game on a HDD, may god be with them. There is a "Slow HDD" option in the game, though.

I can't imagine that to be an issue for me. It's installed on a Corsair MP510 M.2 SSD. Not the fastest, but definitely not slow either.
I can't imagine that to be an issue for me. It's installed on a Corsair MP510 M.2 SSD. Not the fastest, but definitely not slow either.
Indeed, but if those of us with PCI-E 3.0 NVMe drives are having issues then I can just imagine what even running the game on a SATA III SSD would be like.
Thanks @Armenius for pointing out we have this thread going. So busy with other job, life, etc., I don't always have time to see how much our family continues to grow. ;)

Yeah, I'm seeing issues with assets being delayed and popping in as well. Grass, environmental textures, even when close up. Used to that with far off items but a little surprised. I've got this on my 3700X/3090 rig and the game's installed on the Sabrent PCIe 4.0 drive. It's not horrible but is noticeable.

As far as glitches about things where they shouldn't be, it's widely reported in many reviews already. Should get fixed. Kind of used to that anymore. Won't go into detail the things I saw cattle do in RDR2 LOL! or occasionally what I still see poor old Roach do in W3.
I started it. So far it's a mixed experience.

  • The character creator is disappointing, you can barely change the appearance. You have a few presets and then choose from a few preset noses and jaw shapes, that's about it, no sliders of any kind everything is just presets, so hard to do anything special. The skin tone and most color choices are very limited, IDK why. Seems strange. I thought I'll spend an hour with the character creator, instead I finished in less than 10 minutes, and the end result is meh at best. You can't even change the body type, height, weight, things like that.
  • The graphics seems good at first glance, but the more I look at it the worse it gets. The NPCs all look like working Joe-s from Alien Isolation. They all seem like rubber dolls.
  • I think the game maxes out graphics no matter what hardware you have as it choose ultra everything for me as well. The only setting it didn't max out was RT, it set that to Ultra, and there is a "psycho" setting above that. DLSS was set to AUTO, but I quickly changed that to Balanced, it runs well now, but I think I'll change it to quality, as everything seems too blurry now Idk. what is the actual resolution for the balanced setting but it's definitely too low for me.
  • The opening sequences are weak, no use betaing around the bush, this is not what I expected. It does nothing for me so far. But at least that means it doesn't make me hate V either. That's a step up from Witcher.
  • Bugs? so far I saw no graphicsal glitches, no pop-in whatsoever, everything is fine on this front.
  • What I've noticed however is that the difficulty setting does nothing. Easy, Normal, Very Hard are all exactly the same. I've tried all three. Maybe the enemies are more active on very hard, they move around more, but they do the same damage and take the same amount to take down.
  • Speaking of which, they are ****ing bullet sponge damnit, WHY? CDPR, WHY?
  • I could easily quit the game after 90 minutes, that is not a good sign, I expected to be lost in it until it's the middle of the night.
So those are my first impressions.
Reading around forums a bit it seems this game takes advantage of multiple cores well, anyone confirm?
I started it. So far it's a mixed experience.

  • The character creator is disappointing, you can barely change the appearance. You have a few presets and then choose from a few preset noses and jaw shapes, that's about it, no sliders of any kind everything is just presets, so hard to do anything special. The skin tone and most color choices are very limited, IDK why. Seems strange. I thought I'll spend an hour with the character creator, instead I finished in less than 10 minutes, and the end result is meh at best. You can't even change the body type, height, weight, things like that.
  • The graphics seems good at first glance, but the more I look at it the worse it gets. The NPCs all look like working Joe-s from Alien Isolation. They all seem like rubber dolls.
  • I think the game maxes out graphics no matter what hardware you have as it choose ultra everything for me as well. The only setting it didn't max out was RT, it set that to Ultra, and there is a "psycho" setting above that. DLSS was set to AUTO, but I quickly changed that to Balanced, it runs well now, but I think I'll change it to quality, as everything seems too blurry now Idk. what is the actual resolution for the balanced setting but it's definitely too low for me.
  • The opening sequences are weak, no use betaing around the bush, this is not what I expected. It does nothing for me so far. But at least that means it doesn't make me hate V either. That's a step up from Witcher.
  • Bugs? so far I saw no graphicsal glitches, no pop-in whatsoever, everything is fine on this front.
  • What I've noticed however is that the difficulty setting does nothing. Easy, Normal, Very Hard are all exactly the same. I've tried all three. Maybe the enemies are more active on very hard, they move around more, but they do the same damage and take the same amount to take down.
  • Speaking of which, they are ****ing bullet sponge damnit, WHY? CDPR, WHY?
  • I could easily quit the game after 90 minutes, that is not a good sign, I expected to be lost in it until it's the middle of the night.
So those are my first impressions.
Thanks for your clear input. I'll keep an eye on these as I play this weekend.
I started it. So far it's a mixed experience.

  • The character creator is disappointing, you can barely change the appearance. You have a few presets and then choose from a few preset noses and jaw shapes, that's about it, no sliders of any kind everything is just presets, so hard to do anything special. The skin tone and most color choices are very limited, IDK why. Seems strange. I thought I'll spend an hour with the character creator, instead I finished in less than 10 minutes, and the end result is meh at best. You can't even change the body type, height, weight, things like that.
  • The graphics seems good at first glance, but the more I look at it the worse it gets. The NPCs all look like working Joe-s from Alien Isolation. They all seem like rubber dolls.
  • I think the game maxes out graphics no matter what hardware you have as it choose ultra everything for me as well. The only setting it didn't max out was RT, it set that to Ultra, and there is a "psycho" setting above that. DLSS was set to AUTO, but I quickly changed that to Balanced, it runs well now, but I think I'll change it to quality, as everything seems too blurry now Idk. what is the actual resolution for the balanced setting but it's definitely too low for me.
  • The opening sequences are weak, no use betaing around the bush, this is not what I expected. It does nothing for me so far. But at least that means it doesn't make me hate V either. That's a step up from Witcher.
  • Bugs? so far I saw no graphicsal glitches, no pop-in whatsoever, everything is fine on this front.
  • What I've noticed however is that the difficulty setting does nothing. Easy, Normal, Very Hard are all exactly the same. I've tried all three. Maybe the enemies are more active on very hard, they move around more, but they do the same damage and take the same amount to take down.
  • Speaking of which, they are ****ing bullet sponge damnit, WHY? CDPR, WHY?
  • I could easily quit the game after 90 minutes, that is not a good sign, I expected to be lost in it until it's the middle of the night.
So those are my first impressions.
RE: The Opening
I started as Corp and I actually thought it was pretty good, but the whole sequence ended rather abruptly. I would have rather liked to see that scenario played out more. Seems like CDPR wasn't really interested in fully fleshing out your character's background and just wanted to thrust you into the main story.

RE: The Difficulty
Interesting. I started out on Hard, so I have no comparison to make. If this is true then I can imagine Easy being pretty frustrating.

RE: Bullet Sponges
This is an RPG, so I would not expect to enemies to go down in a single headshot for example. Enemies that can be grappled from sneak still can be killed or subdued in one hit, though.

RE: Quitting Early
I felt the same way after the Corp intro ended so abruptly because there really isn't much going on when you're thrust into Act I. This is a big RPG, though, so I'm sure it will require more time to get interesting. Similarly, it took me coming back and restarting the original Mass Effect 6 or 7 times before I really got into it, and now the original trilogy is one of my favorite game series ever.
Reading around forums a bit it seems this game takes advantage of multiple cores well, anyone confirm?
Seems that way. When I peaked it looked like load was being pretty evenly distributed across all 8 cores on my 9900K.
I'm gonna chill on getting this until a RTX3080/90 becomes available for me from the EVGA que (or I stumble across a FE by sheer luck).

I want to see it with all the bells and whistles on, and AMD seems to be pretty much out for now for Enhusiast level GPU's gaming on modern upcoming titles.
RE: The Opening
I started as Corp and I actually thought it was pretty good, but the whole sequence ended rather abruptly. I would have rather liked to see that scenario played out more. Seems like CDPR wasn't really interested in fully fleshing out your character's background and just wanted to thrust you into the main story.
I started as street kid, but had the exact same experience, it ended too fast and too abruptly. And then the game shown a montage of flashing images of how V became friends with a guy instead of actually befriending him. This way I couldn't care lass about the guy. Really crap exposition.

RE: The Difficulty
Interesting. I started out on Hard, so I have no comparison to make. If this is true then I can imagine Easy being pretty frustrating.
As I've mentioned I've tried easy, normal, and very hard to see how they feel and I couldn't tell the difference between easy and very hard. I don't think the difficulty setting is working in the game. Despite of it forcing a reload when changing it. It's not hard though, but the combat does feel clunky. Your movements all feel slow.

RE: Bullet Sponges
This is an RPG, so I would not expect to enemies to go down in a single headshot for example. Enemies that can be grappled from sneak still can be killed or subdued in one hit, though.
I've read it's more an action game than an RPG, besides I was hoping for an immersive sim with RPG elements, like DeusEx.
I picked up another weapon which is much less bullet spongy. Unfortunately the weapons are level gated, which definitely makes the game more RPG than immersive. :(

RE: Quitting Early
I felt the same way after the Corp intro ended so abruptly because there really isn't much going on when you're thrust into Act I. This is a big RPG, though, so I'm sure it will require more time to get interesting. Similarly, it took me coming back and restarting the original Mass Effect 6 or 7 times before I really got into it, and now the original trilogy is one of my favorite game series ever.
I don't know, so far it all feels cheap, sidequests could be out of an MMO, the ones I did were really not interesting, and very simplistic.
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