Cyberpunk 2077 Runs Worse on Select AMD Ryzen CPUs Due to Threading Issue, But Here’s a Quick Fix


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

PC gamers who are playing Cyberpunk 2077 on AMD rigs have discovered that the game fails to take full potential of higher-core Ryzen processors due to some sort of bug or oversight related to simultaneous multithreading (SMT). Instead of taking advantage of all logical cores, the game only sees physical cores, which means that half of the CPU’s threads go to waste (e.g., Cyberpunk 2077 only utilizes six of the Ryzen 5 5600X’s 12 total threads).

The discrepancy and idle behavior can be confirmed via Task Manager (Performance > CPU > Logical Processors Graph), but luckily, a user by the name of UnhingedDoork has uncovered a workaround that improves thread usage in Cyberpunk 2077...

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I don't think I want to hex edit my game to get this to work right... seems disengenuious.
I'm running the version and that hex value is not there in the .exe file.

I run 1080p on ultra/high and game seems to run pretty good on my 5700xt and 3800xt but I thought I'd give this a go anyways ..

.. and ... there's a thread over at [H] about using VPN and switching to Russia or Ukraine servers to get the game for $26.95 or $30 instead of US $60.
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Because I'd trust software from Russia or Ukraine. I mean if someone can conform.tjey are the same code ok but I'd be cautious.
It seems likely that CDPR will eventually include this, or something similar, in a future patch. I'd be surprised it they didn't. It's just a part of post-launch optimizations.
It seems likely that CDPR will eventually include this, or something similar, in a future patch. I'd be surprised it they didn't. It's just a part of post-launch optimizations.

Seems a strange error given that the console versions run on AMD hardware, or is that the reason they run so bad?
Seems a strange error given that the console versions run on AMD hardware, or is that the reason they run so bad?
Couldn't tell ya, custom SoC's and all. I think for them, it has more to do with limited hardware resources but it's possible something like this could help but I doubt it's the cure.
I'd be willing to bet it's more an issue with the compiler they used on the PC, as most of them default to Intel optimizations. I would guess the issue would not be present on the consoles, since they would use a different optimizing compiler there that would, presumably, properly utilize multithreading.
CDPR shipped old code from AMD that checks for Bulldozer CPUs. If it does not detect Bulldozer, it turns off SMT. Should be an easy fix in the next patch.
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