Deliver at All Costs Is an Isometric 1950s Themed Action Game Where Mass Destruction May Be Inevitable While Getting the Job Done


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Deliver At All Costs is one of those games where one word comes to mind after watching its announcement trailer, fun. Set in the 1950s, this delivery service game harkens back to a time for video games where having fun was the focus instead of hardware-punishing visuals.

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Yep, I'm kind of excited for this one. As long as the price isn't too high, this is a day one for me.
I liked the part where he was delivering a nuclear warhead, and people were running behind him to "stop" him and inadvertently set it off.
I'm a sucker for games in that time period that don't take themselves seriously.
I liked the part where he was delivering a nuclear warhead, and people were running behind him to "stop" him and inadvertently set it off.
Yep, I d**n near fell off the couch laughing at that point.
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