Disney CEO Blames Covid, Lack of Executive Oversight, and Streaming Overload for The Marvels Bombing at the Box Office: “Quantity Diluted Quality”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Why has The Marvels only made $187,860,809 million at the box office? Disney's CEO appears to have not one, but two solid answers for that.

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You can't spit-polish a turd.
No one will simply admit they failed.....just blame COVID.
He was right though......super-hero fatigue......no question.
I challenge the super hero fatigue suggestion. Spider-Man no way home was fantastic and did well at the box office.

an X-Men introduction with a Rogue origin story tied with a Captain Marvel movie would be so awesome it would hurt.
I only partially agree with this. The delayed release did hurt it as the iron grew cold for this project about 1-2 years ago. Streaming overload, not so much. Fatigue, just a bit but I also agree that fans will show up if they expect a good movie and doubts about this grew quickly when it went from just being a sequel to becoming this weird ensemble story. I agree with @Endgame that it would've been better to have introduced Rogue. Given how Hollywood likes to combine multiple unrelated story elements to create their own storylines I could also see perhaps introducing the Shi"Ar or some other X-Men related alien element as well just to keep it interesting and back off the Kree/Skrull just a bit. This could've been an incredible opportunity to intro Lilandra since so much effort was already done by Singer to extract her and them from the X-Men story.
Or, hear me out, perhaps nobody asked for Charlie's Angels Super Power edition? These weren't characters anyone cared about. Furthermore, Larson is about as loved as COVID.
Or, hear me out, perhaps nobody asked for Charlie's Angels Super Power edition? These weren't characters anyone cared about. Furthermore, Larson is about as loved as COVID.
Captain Marvel exists for Rogue to drain all her powers and kill her whenever they get around to adding X-Men to the cinematic universe. IMO, It's best for Disney if she isn't terrible liked so there is less complaining when she get zapped.
Captain Marvel exists for Rogue to drain all her powers and kill her whenever they get around to adding X-Men to the cinematic universe. IMO, It's best for Disney if she isn't terrible liked so there is less complaining when she get zapped.
Uhh my recollection is she wasnt killed. But I could be wrong.
Uhh my recollection is she wasnt killed. But I could be wrong.
It’s been a long time for me. Looks like Wiki agrees with you:


Rogue's struggle to absorb her powers is prolonged, and the transfer of Ms. Marvel's psyche and powers is permanent. Rogue then throws her off the Golden Gate Bridge. She battles the Avengers using her newly acquired powers.[19]

Much later, while at the Pentagon, she literally bumps into Carol Danvers
Just face it Bob, your legacy will be the ruination of the Walt Disney company. The only way you could save some face is by accepting responsibility, but as a true narcissist you are incapable of that.
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