Disney+ Is Getting a Firefly Reboot

Well there go the Mandalorian/FireFly memes.
Oh man.. wash would be the cookie natural force user that never did get jedi training. River would be the actual trained force user that has a dark side force user also trapped in her mind because of force reasons. Mal not a force user but you're scruffy pirate type. Simon the empire defectee that's convinced that his sister river needs to hide. The preacher is the full Jedi but in hiding trying to guide everyone.... Jane is the wookie. Inara is a noble and in love with the scruffy pirate but neither can admit it. And our lovely mechanic is actually a genius and has to deal with a dreadnought class engine in their scruffy transport ship.

I think he was referring tho things like this :p

Hope its good if they do it, but... What about Dark Matter, and SG U.
Well considering Disney now own EVERYTHING they probably own those too.. or maybe ATT... But thats about it now right?
The setting sets it up to age better than a lot of shows. It was never "current".

Yeah, I watched the first few episodes. I'll probably finish the series, but I have to say I'm not a huge fan.

Not enough space. Way too much western.

The Mandalorian got the balance WAY better.

There is just kind of too much "saloon fight, revolver, train robbery, horses, cows, subtle references to the confederacy, twangy guitars, etc." for my tastes.
Call me a contrarian but I'd rather see a Dollhouse reboot.

I like Josh and Dushku as much as the next guy, but the series didn't make sense. It was more like an idea than a fleshed out story for a series.
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