DOOM Eternal Has Been Delayed to March 2020


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The Doomslayer's return has been postponed. In order to "deliver a game that exceeds your greatest expectations across the board," id Software has pushed back DOOM Eternal to March 2020.

The company also shared that Invasion Mode would be released as a free update shortly after launch. This is one of the game's multiplayer modes, which lets you enter another player's game as a demon.

To make sure we're delivering the best experience - for DOOM Eternal to live up to our standards of speed and polish - we've made the decision to extend our launch date by a few months to March 20, 2020. We know many fans will be disappointed by this delay, but we are confident that DOOM Eternal will deliver a gaming experience that is worth the wait.
Glad to hear they're taking time to get it right but between that and Cyberpunk in April that's a lot of gaming for spring time.
Well this was the main game I was looking forward to for 2019, but if the game needs more polish then so be it. I still got plenty of stuff to finish, including Ion Maiden -er I mean Ion Fury. I don't preorder games, but after putting well over 200 hours into Doom 2016 (all of that single-player), it's safe to say I have a high level of interest in Doom Eternal. Can't help but feel at least a little disappointed I won't be playing it next month. I'd rather it be done right, and done well though.
I'm okay with this also. With a long list of games coming out soon it would be hard to play them all.
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