EA Could Be Considering More Dead Space Remakes according to a Purported Survey Shared by a Game Developer


Staff member
May 28, 2019
The survey was broken into two parts with the first asking about the sequel and then the other about the third installment. While the second game was a welcomed sequel the third game is often derided by fans for a number of gameplay design choices. While many fans might enjoy seeing one, or both games, remade there are probably more that would be interested in a new game altogether and a few responses have even gone so far as to say that a complete reworking of the third game would be better than just doing a remake.

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I agree, just put out a new game. I'm enjoying the 1st remake but I'd rather that what limited resources they have got put into a new game and if anything, forget the 3rd but incorporate various elements (like the planet/snow and the space station missions) of it into a new game. I liked the 2nd game but it largely felt like a rehash of the 1st so don't feel like I'd be missing out on much if they didn't do a remake of it.
I agree, just put out a new game. I'm enjoying the 1st remake but I'd rather that what limited resources they have got put into a new game and if anything, forget the 3rd but incorporate various elements (like the planet/snow and the space station missions) of it into a new game. I liked the 2nd game but it largely felt like a rehash of the 1st so don't feel like I'd be missing out on much if they didn't do a remake of it.

I agree, 2 felt like 1 with differences, 3 was WTF
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