FYI - Post to thread creation / comment sync borked


Staff member
Apr 23, 2019
As a quick FYI, the plugin that does the thread creation took itself out of the game earlier today and I'm not entirely sure why. Working on a suitable replacement, for now, forum posting of the article may lag a bit until this is sorted.
That's too bad, I know the feeling when these things break down and you don't know where to start looking for the problem. In fact my own site is down at the moment, and I'm still unsure wtf is going on.
That's too bad, I know the feeling when these things break down and you don't know where to start looking for the problem. In fact my own site is down at the moment, and I'm still unsure wtf is going on.

I'm actually quite tempted to do a full server, wordpress and theme rebuild....
Wow, all my sites went down today too - DNS records all got wiped somehow.

Sounds like the Russia-Ukraine war just went hot
Temp fix - I can re-enable the bonked plugin and push the articles over to the forum manually for now, at least until a perm fix is determined. Have to leave it disabled as it's still pitching a fit, so comment sync won't be running.
Well for what it's worth at least they're also showing in the recent news section at the bottom of the story.

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