Galactic Civilizations IV Gets April 26 Release Date


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Stardock’s Galactic Civilizations IV is the latest entry in the decades-old 4X strategy franchise. Players explore space in the 24th century, research new technologies, meet new civilizations, form alliances, colonize planets, and strategize for dominion over the galaxy.

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I really liked the first two, but I think I've kinda grown out of the 4X genre, I can't seem to get into any of them any more. Even Civ has kinda lost it's edge for me.

*edit* -- this may date me, but if I recall correctly the first one was originally released for OS/2 and that's where I had played it at.
I'm surprised I'm not familiar with this series. It would have been right up a younger me's alley.

Maybe I'll give it a try when it launches.

And with that, I just had a flashback to a game I played in the 90's that I had completely expunged from my memories.

As soon as I found the Youtube video the music from the game was instantly recognizable.


And then shortly after I remembered another space game from the 90's that was really good I had completely forgotten about, called "Reunion".

Those were probably the last space 4x games I played. I'd say I ahve lots of fond memories of them, but apparently not, because I had completely purged them from memory, still reviewing the videos I am remembering how fun they were, particularly Reunion. Bloody long intro sequence through.

The only downside to Reunion was that it was a static single playthrough story, so there wasn't much in the way of replayability. I remember wishing a version of Reunion would come out with randomly generated space maps like Civilization.
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Pretty sure I've never truly played these but have tinkered with them over the years. I think it's great they exist but they are a bit more involved than I'd get into since I'm mostly an RPG/FPS type.
Makes me think of masters of Orion.
Gal civ 1 and 2 are very similar to masters of Orion, but no tactical combat. I may have bought 3 but if I did, I didn’t play it enough to recall any specific mechanics.

I generally love 4x games, and have lots of time in the newest masters of Orion. Always wish the tactical combat was more complex though. Would really love a game that dropped you into homeworld type quality for tactical combat.
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