Gears of War Developer Shares Amazing Unreal Engine 5 Tech Test, 100x More Graphic Detail


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
How good will the next Gears of War game look? The Coalition gave us a potential look at that today with its new "Cavern" cinematic tech test, one that demonstrates the power of the technology behind the fifth iteration of Epic Games' hugely popular Unreal Engine.

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Not that impressive honestly. We've seen better demos.

It seems that chromatic aberration has become the new lens flare. Why do they feel that they need to so overuse these stupid effects?
Not that impressive honestly. We've seen better demos.

It seems that chromatic aberration has become the new lens flare. Why do they feel that they need to so overuse these stupid effects?
Well, its running on a Series X, so there's that.
I've always wondered, why games incorporate effects that movies for the most part try to avoid, like lensflare, DoF and chromatic aberration.
It seems that chromatic aberration has become the new lens flare. Why do they feel that they need to so overuse these stupid effects?
I got tired of that sh1t back in the mid 20-teens. Pretty much as soon as it started showing up in games. It's always one of the first things I turn off, along with film grain and motion blur. Witcher 3 was the first game I played that had it, and ever since then I've never understood why devs felt the need to use it. Never had a problem with lens flares though.
and lens dirt. really. At one point a long time ago, maybe it was the Witcher or some other game but I really thought I had a defective display. What really sucks is when they hardcode that crap and you have to look for a hack to get rid of it.

Just give me the game with the highest quality settings I can use and leave all that other stuff off. Don't need it or want it.
You must be a fan of JJ Abrahams :LOL: ;)
Try doing a drinking game with his 1st Star Trek. Most people won't last beyond the first 10 minutes. I remember the 1st bridge shots when Kirk barges in from the lift and couldn't count how many were on the screen at once as JJ panned across the whole bridge.
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