Google Has Reportedly Attained “Quantum Supremacy”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The world's tech giants are slowly but steadily unraveling the mysteries and challenges that lie with quantum computing. Google, for one, has supposedly achieved "quantum supremacy" after its researchers figured out how to perform and complete a complex calculation with their quantum computer in record time.

The calculation would have taken 10,000 years for the world's most powerful computer, IBM Summit, but Google's quantum machine took care of it in just over three minutes. The technology is said to make quick work of present-day cryptography when it's fully realized.

…classical computers are systems where problems are abstracted onto a system of two-position switches called bits (ones and zeros) that interact through the rules of logic. Quantum computers are instead based on quantum bits, or qubits, that are also two-position switches, but they interact via the same rules that subatomic particles follow, called quantum mechanics.
I read about this a bit last night.

I guess they have claimed it, but not exactly put out a lot of supporting evidence to show how or what they did.

Supremecy just means they have a Quantum computer that's big enough to solve problems that can't be realistically solved on a classic computer... like breaking a SHA256 hash: it's possible on a classic computer, but at several thousand years, not exactly practical. Whereas with Quantum Supremacy, the same feat (just using that as an example, I don't know what Google has done) should be done realistically in a matter of 3 minutes? hours? days? weeks? but much shorter than millennia.
The end of privacy as we know it. All Hail Google, our new master.
I'm a fan of this kind of stuff, but worry, what exactly will it be used for? Especially in Google's hands, who intends to profit, of course, on this.

Highest bidder on the most diabolical thought process?

Can it fortell the elections? How the T virus will play out?
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