Google Plans to Add over 120 Games to Stadia This Year


Staff member
May 28, 2019

Image: Google

The Stadia Team announced yesterday that they’ve got big plans for Google’s new game streaming service. One of the more notable highlights is a goal to add over 120 games in 2020. Stadia will launch ten games exclusively in the first six months. Sooner than that they are planning 4K web support, additional Android Phone support, and wireless game play via internet with a Stadia controller.

Stadia had a bit of a rocky start but that is not preventing them from moving forward. Recovering from initial order delays as well as mixed reviews this announcement may help them regain their steam.
I recently ran into someone I know that said they got Stadia and like it. They acknowledged the peculiar resolution scaling mentioned in the Eurogamer review referenced above but otherwise said they were really happy with it.

Has anyone tried this or know someone who has?
Maybe it's my work firewall... but the article link is giving a 404. Correction I get the same from the normal internets as well.
Maybe it's my work firewall... but the article link is giving a 404. Correction I get the same from the normal internets as well.
I think it must be. I just re-tested w/o being logged in and source links along with links in article worked for me just now.
Who wants to place bets that this becomes another cancelled Google project in 2 years or less?
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