Help Page for Switching to Local Accounts on Windows 11 Mysteriously Disappears and Then Reappears Days Later

How do you use 365 if you refuse to create an MS account?

I don't have a personal MS account, but I cannot control how my work IT sets up the work account on my work machine. Though all I use that account for is work stuff on a dedicated work machine, so I don't even think of it as "my" account. It is my works account.
I like my personal office 365 Account. 1 tb per user 5 users. I have my account tied to my laptop my PC and my phone with access to my documents on all of them. It's super nice. And very convenient. My buddy who easily makes 3 x what I do doesn't use it and lost all of his personal docs when his drive died. I shrugged and said.. use the cloud keep all docs synced to a few devices and you have your two local and one cloud done.
I like my personal office 365 Account. 1 tb per user 5 users. I have my account tied to my laptop my PC and my phone with access to my documents on all of them. It's super nice. And very convenient. My buddy who easily makes 3 x what I do doesn't use it and lost all of his personal docs when his drive died. I shrugged and said.. use the cloud keep all docs synced to a few devices and you have your two local and one cloud done.
I can't even begin to explain how annoying it is in office 365 that it constantly pushes onedrive. If I just want to save a document locally I have to jump through many hoops to finally get a normal save file dialog window. Even when I only want to attach something to an email it wants to upload it to onedrive instead and I have to press no just attach it normally every single time.

It's not just that I don't find it beneficial to save to a cloud, I don't want MS going through my documents either.
Backups have been invented before the cloud. And the best thing about them is that I don't need an online account or even the internet to access them.
I can't even begin to explain how annoying it is in office 365 that it constantly pushes onedrive. If I just want to save a document locally I have to jump through many hoops to finally get a normal save file dialog window. Even when I only want to attach something to an email it wants to upload it to onedrive instead and I have to press no just attach it normally every single time.

It's not just that I don't find it beneficial to save to a cloud, I don't want MS going through my documents either.
Backups have been invented before the cloud. And the best thing about them is that I don't need an online account or even the internet to access them.
Odd I don't have the struggles you do. Attaching a document is click the paperclip choose to attach the document . Send it. The only place it's even more of a hassle is on the phone or using the web outlook client as the native one.

Saving files not to one drive.. is also not difficult actually my default is my local my documents and I have to point it to the one drive where I prefer it.

If you look at the agreement ms can't do anything with your data. But if you have real concerns and are dealing with IP and or secure documents I get the heightened levels of security.

99 percent of my persoal stuff is just gaming docs for tabletop games. D&D and the like. PDFs of said games. And a few legal documents. Nothing actually worth stealing. Especially for a multi trillion dollar entity that would suffer massive liability issues. I dare say the net effect if MS were to start scanning my personal files would be highly detrimental to their company once it was known. They host a massive cloud and need the trust of their consumers be they enterprise or personal.
I turned of onedrive as I kept getting syncing conflicts with game save files that annoyed me to no end.

On the rare occasions I need some office related software, openoffice is my go to.
I turned of onedrive as I kept getting syncing conflicts with game save files that annoyed me to no end.
Yep, I won't touch that with a ten foot pole. I leave game saves to their native cloud apps and won't let onedrive near them. For office stuff though I'm pretty happy with it.
Odd I don't have the struggles you do. Attaching a document is click the paperclip choose to attach the document . Send it. The only place it's even more of a hassle is on the phone or using the web outlook client as the native one.
I use the web client on desktop because the interface is more streamlined and it is faster than the actual outlook application.
On phone I use the dedicated client, unfortunately that isn't perfect either. For some reason it doesn't always notifies about new messages, sometimes I'd get a notification an hour late, but other times not at all. I've gotten in trouble at work because of it. When I assumed no notification = no new messages. Ofc this is unrelated to onedrive, but still tangentially related to why I don't trust MS's services.
Saving files not to one drive.. is also not difficult actually my default is my local my documents and I have to point it to the one drive where I prefer it.
That one was improved recently, it still defaults to onedrive, but now you can directly bring up the browse dialog from the same page.
If you look at the agreement ms can't do anything with your data. But if you have real concerns and are dealing with IP and or secure documents I get the heightened levels of security.

99 percent of my persoal stuff is just gaming docs for tabletop games. D&D and the like. PDFs of said games. And a few legal documents. Nothing actually worth stealing. Especially for a multi trillion dollar entity that would suffer massive liability issues. I dare say the net effect if MS were to start scanning my personal files would be highly detrimental to their company once it was known. They host a massive cloud and need the trust of their consumers be they enterprise or personal.
I haven't looked at the agreement of onedrive yet since I'm not even using it, but we know google and adobe ares looking at your documents, so I assumed MS isn't far behind them.
Yep, I won't touch that with a ten foot pole. I leave game saves to their native cloud apps and won't let onedrive near them. For office stuff though I'm pretty happy with it.

My concern about anything and everything cloud is the prying eyes.

They may have NDA's with enterprise users, but us ordinary non-enterprise people have no such thing.

That, and even if you trust Microsoft (which is difficult to understand how anyone might) they don't exactly have a bulletproof history when it comes to security...

So yeah, I'm not using anything cloud. And I am certainly not using anything Microsoft cloud.
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Did you even read beyond the first sentence?
Not sure what you mean?
In any case, what I understood you said is that 'people' as in most everyone hate it but companies love it ( hence the billions). Im saying, sure there is a vocal portion of ' people' that hate it, but it means nothing, millions upon millions will love it, and microsoft will make even more billions, I promise.

Its not really that much different to the death of physical media in the PC. So many 'vocal' about it back then, myself included, and yet, steam grew and grew and grew. I did in fact ' boycotted' pc gaming due to this, moved entirely to consoles.. Well physical media is dead there also in any case, just took a little longer.

Yeah people say they ' hate it' and ' agree ' with you, only to five minutes later sign up for the free trial or some such, or for " 1 month for this project" only to keep supporting the service, while rationalizing paying for it. Most just love these things, others that seem to agree that these services are economic vampires, just forget about all that in seconds, and are at best indifferent.
Adobe's growth has been absolutely stratospheric. Believing so many wont go for monthly payments ( since ' everyone' hates them), I expected them to fail going to subscription. Not only they didnt fail, they are a positively massive company now.
Microsoft is doing a good job with their services, they will succeed, windows will be subscription, this is a 100% guarantee, its a matter of slow boiling the frog... Get more updates with MS 365, with windows plus! Same price was MS Office 365 , MS 365 includes one drive, windows plus, and AI bing !! Refresh your old computer, with windows 365!!!!... Add xbox streaming for access to 100s of cloud games from any computer with windows 365 and xbox streaming!!! Cheap cheap, low low monthly payment!.

You can hold on to your hardware all you want, sure it will take time, but it will become irrelevant eventually, and people will eat it up.
No, people hate it, but corporations are all for that jizz. A monthly payment of a few hundred looks much better on the cash flow chart than a single multiple thousand invoice up-front. Even if in the long run it is a really bad deal.

I'm also using office 365, but not because I love it, but because my company prefers to pay €30 / month or whatever it costs now, instead of just buying a single perpetual licence for every user for €250 / seat.
$30.58 for the E3 license a month.
I can't even begin to explain how annoying it is in office 365 that it constantly pushes onedrive. If I just want to save a document locally I have to jump through many hoops to finally get a normal save file dialog window. Even when I only want to attach something to an email it wants to upload it to onedrive instead and I have to press no just attach it normally every single time.

It's not just that I don't find it beneficial to save to a cloud, I don't want MS going through my documents either.
Backups have been invented before the cloud. And the best thing about them is that I don't need an online account or even the internet to access them.
What are you talking about? I have absolutely no issues using or not using onedrive, I can always easily choose where I want my files stored. That said, I actually prefer using onedrive as I can use my files in every pc I have at home or the office, no need to share anything, its all in one place.

BTW OneDrive is NOT backup.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the fact that choosing save as doesn't bring up an actual save dialog, but a crappy modern ui page with onedrive integrated. They made it easier to reach the actual browse dialog in a recent update, but it is still just bloat that I wish would go away.
I have absolutely no issues using or not using onedrive, I can always easily choose where I want my files stored. That said, I actually prefer using onedrive as I can use my files in every pc I have at home or the office, no need to share anything, its all in one place.

BTW OneDrive is NOT backup.
I was replying to a message saying someone lost data because they weren't using onedrive.

Anything can be used as backup that stores data.
Not sure what you mean?
I thought you were suggesting we as people who hate it are the minority. That's why I asked if you read the latter part of my post where I theorize how can the subscription model be successful while everybody hates it.
In any case, what I understood you said is that 'people' as in most everyone hate it but companies love it ( hence the billions). Im saying, sure there is a vocal portion of ' people' that hate it, but it means nothing, millions upon millions will love it, and microsoft will make even more billions, I promise.
That does not require people to love it, most of MS's revenue comes from corporations, not individuals.
Its not really that much different to the death of physical media in the PC. So many 'vocal' about it back then, myself included, and yet, steam grew and grew and grew. I did in fact ' boycotted' pc gaming due to this, moved entirely to consoles.. Well physical media is dead there also in any case, just took a little longer.
Because the physical media evangelists were actually a minority in my opinion. I was never on that band wagon, since physical media itself is meaningless if the game uses online activation, which many did even before steam was popular.
Yeah people say they ' hate it' and ' agree ' with you, only to five minutes later sign up for the free trial or some such, or for " 1 month for this project" only to keep supporting the service, while rationalizing paying for it. Most just love these things, others that seem to agree that these services are economic vampires, just forget about all that in seconds, and are at best indifferent.
I think a distinction needs to be made between zombie users, and those who actually love the service. I'd not count people simply being terrible with money and forgetting to cancel something among lovers of the service.
Adobe's growth has been absolutely stratospheric. Believing so many wont go for monthly payments ( since ' everyone' hates them), I expected them to fail going to subscription. Not only they didnt fail, they are a positively massive company now.
I believe that is due to small business, and self employed entrepreneurs. Before subs, the barrier to entry was simply too high for most potential users.

But that doesn't mean subscription service doesn't come with a ton of baggage. The problem is that now you no longer have the option to switch to a perpetual license even if you wanted to.

I don't want to ban subscription model, it has its benefits, but if you are a long term user you loose on it. It should be an option, not the only way to get apps.
Microsoft is doing a good job with their services, they will succeed, windows will be subscription, this is a 100% guarantee, its a matter of slow boiling the frog... Get more updates with MS 365, with windows plus! Same price was MS Office 365 , MS 365 includes one drive, windows plus, and AI bing !! Refresh your old computer, with windows 365!!!!... Add xbox streaming for access to 100s of cloud games from any computer with windows 365 and xbox streaming!!! Cheap cheap, low low monthly payment!.
All those things you list are deterrents to me. If windows becomes a subscription I think we will see a major resurgence in piracy.
You can hold on to your hardware all you want, sure it will take time, but it will become irrelevant eventually, and people will eat it up.
I don't think so. If that were the case that convenience and slop trumps everything then PC gaming would've died 20 years ago, and everyone would be on console or streaming by now.
I think GAS and DAS ( Games/ Desktop as a service) will be the future... As to how long before we are fully there I dont know. I guess thats the only disagreement we have about the future, and how people wont avoid it. Perhaps GPUs will still have a place thinking about it. Nvidia is pretty much ahead of the game with their dlss tech, i can imagine a future where the low res stream comes from a service and the GPU does the rest, the switch already does something like this, I am sure the brains at Nvdia figured this out even better than what the old switch does. Like you can have 1080p with just access and no hardware, then 4k and above with nvidia hardware (perhaps this is so already, I dont know, I research a little but not too much here and there)

The way I see it, being honest about what I see MS is figuring out how to do all these centralized as a service things very well. It sucks, I dont like it, but they just are, and they wont stop.
Yes I use libreoffice, yes I brought affinity (1.0 and 2.0) and trust me I dont care much for this future.
As far as games go, tbh, I am ready for streaming, when its compelling enough, when the library is huge enough and updated enough.
Physical media is dead, my switch games might be the last time I will be able to resell what I have.
Since physical media is dead, I just dont care if I am streaming and paying for access to a library vs ' owning' the access to a title in a service such as steam or a console ( electronic version) Periodically I check for the streaming services, Luna and what have you. Their selling landing pages for these services arent too clear as to what I get and so on, so I havent tried yet maybe I will soon enough.
If I was nintendo, with their weak *** hardware I am thinking they will move to streaming harder with the switch 2. If the swtch 2 has 5g, you will know whats happening.
Anyway, we are still in a hybrid present, but the way I see it, we will be dinosaurs trying to run linux or some such, something I will try until I can't and then I will pay MS, and move on I guess... If I make any sense anyhow.
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