Intel’s New Discrete GPU Is About As Powerful As NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX 1050


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Intel

During CES 2020, Intel unveiled its first discrete graphics card in years, the DG1 SVG (software development vehicle), which packages the company’s new Xe-LP (low-powered) architecture into a shiny, PCIe package for software optimization purposes. Aside from estimates based on rumored CU counts (e.g., 96), its performance has been quite the mystery, but benchmark results discovered by @TUM_APISAK (via VideoCardz) has shed some light into what it’ll be capable of.

DG1— APISAK (@TUM_APISAK) May 30, 2020

In a 3DMark Fire Strike test, Intel’s DG1...

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Well, as Tsing reminded us, this is essentially an APU version of their discreet line. Raja was hyping their Xe HP as the 'father' of all. That'll be the one that enthusiasts will be eyeing.
They will be a generation or two behind as we all suspected. Still I wont write them off. Just no way they come in with killer hardware round one.
So.. this seems consistent with what I played on at CES in January. Destiny 2 was running on low settings @1080p for the press demo, controller play only. It seemed playable-ish, but not buttery smooth - no FPS counters were shown though.
I guess it will come down to pricing .. .. I guess ... maybe ..
I guess it will come down to pricing .. .. I guess ... maybe ..

Well, they give the IGP away for "free", and most people willingly pay extra to get something better.

My thought is that this isn't that far away from their own IGP, when you look at the entire spectrum of available GPU products.

I can't find a direct comparison, but can try to infer it from two reviews:

Latest Ice Lake Gen 11 IGP performance here:
Some +/- in the data, but there is a comparison with an MX250-based laptop there, and the MX250 is mostly consistently faster, but only barely.

Then this review, where a MX250 is compared versus a GTX 1050 Max Q:
The 1050 is faster than the MX250, by about 35%.

This is hardly a scientific test, and these aren't exactly the best sources to be pulling from, but... if I connect the dots and fill in a lot of gaps and make an educated guess, I'd say the Intel GPU will be about 35ish % faster than something your going to get for free anyway. It would have to be pretty cheap to make it even a consideration for any sort of DIY builder.

A few people have mentioned they thought these Intel GPUs were destined for the OEM builder market to shovel into mass produced rigs where people don't care or don't know any better, and I have to say, I can't see any other market where they make any sense at all.
Here is a mass produced discrete GPU for CHEAP for your latptop/worker desktop.
Well, no one reasonable expected them to jump to the head of the pack overnight.

This is a good start though.

As much as I have had my differences with Intel over the years, having more competitiors in the space will be a GOOD thing!
If they sell these for 50 bucks or so, they have a winner, and might actually move a lot. There is no real usable cards at that price point. What I see in Amazon at around those prices, I doubt they can run squat, game wise. So yeah it could work out very well... If they price it close to whats available, it would be pointless, they won't sell.
Well, no one reasonable expected them to jump to the head of the pack overnight.

This is a good start though.

As much as I have had my differences with Intel over the years, having more competitiors in the space will be a GOOD thing!
I agree, but if they can’t perform they aren’t competing. It’s like those knockoff Chinese x86 CPUs - sure, you gotta start somewhere but those weren’t exactly going to compete either
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