Intel Has a 500-Watt, Multi-Die Xe Graphics Card in the Works, according to Internal Docs


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Intel

Intel’s graphics card ambitions may be greater than we initially thought. Digital Trends has gotten its hands on a platform chart that reveals a complete lineup of Xe GPUs, which range from low-powered variants to high-performance SKUs boasting TDPs of up to 500 watts. Not even AMD’s hungry Radeon VII (300 watts) comes close to that.

There appears to be three GPUs slated for release in the consumer or enterprise markets. All of these cards utilize “tiles,” which alludes to a multi-die, chiplet-based design. Intel hasn’t specified how many execution units each tile carries, but 128 is a plausible number based on a driver leak from last year that listed EU counts of 128, 256, and 512...

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That's pretty clearly an enterprise level solution in my opinion. This is something targeted to Hypervisors to accelerate 3d apps in VDI's.
That's pretty clearly an enterprise level solution in my opinion. This is something targeted to Hypervisors to accelerate 3d apps in VDI's.
Pretty spot on. DT inidicated they got the info from an internal Intel presentation for their data center group.
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