Interesting behavior with X570


FPS Regular
Apr 24, 2019
Maybe this is specific to my board, maybe it's specific to Gigabyte, or just my X570 Aorus Ultra running F4i bios version. I don't know.

Here's what I do know. If I change a bunch of settings in the BIOS, and continue to change them, I get different results after multiple changes.

What I mean is if I change CPU vCore to "Normal" and add an offset voltage, then change that offset a bunch of times, then set CPU vCore back to Auto, it doesn't go back to auto. It stays set at some strange setting that is **** near permanent. Voltage will not go over 1.27 under load. Doesn't matter what I set anything at, under load it goes to 1.27 and that's it. I have to clear CMOS in order to get normal voltage operation back.

So, just to reiterate, I need to mess with the voltages a lot before this condition happens. As in 6-10 settings changes.

Very strange. I may try to get my board RMA'd. This is a defect, in my opinion.
Did you try resetting the CMOS via the clear CMOS button?
I'm not sure why you'd have the need to change it a lot in BIOS, as you can't do CCX overclocking in there - and if you did want to do that, all you'd need is a value under 1.32v that boots up just fine.
I'm not sure why you'd have the need to change it a lot in BIOS, as you can't do CCX overclocking in there - and if you did want to do that, all you'd need is a value under 1.32v that boots up just fine.
You missed the point.
If it otherwise works just fine except for having bizarreties under conditions which don't actually matter, what exactly is the point?

Your motorbike helmet gets all weird and wonky when you brush your teeth in it, well - if it does its job properly outside of that scenario, what's the matter?
It sounds like a bug. I would let Gigabyte know. They might be able to reproduce it.
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