James Cameron Confirms Evil Fire Na’vi for Avatar 3: “The Ash People”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The first Avatar focused on land, the second on sea, and the third will do something similar and introduce a new classical element to the franchise, according to director James Cameron, who was asked by 20 Minutes in a recent interview as to what audiences can expect in Avatar 3 and revealed that they will probably be seeing a new, villainous type of Na'vi, inspired by fire.

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I see that MadMummy76 is still anxiously awaiting the release of the fifth film, so he can binge watch them all at once from the Extended Collector's Edition boxed set of the pentalogy (autographed by James Cameron).
Hopefully the Ashes means these are the remains of this movie franchise by then.

There is going to be another one? How many ****ty avatar movies are they going to make?

And who are all of these people who are paying to watch them. If the reporting is accurate about $1.5B in revenues for the last one, there must be A LOT of people. Yet, I have as of yet never heard anyone say anything positive about either Avatar film.

But I guess that's the annser right there. They will stop making Avatar movies, when Avatar movies stop making them $1.5B dollars :p
If the reporting is accurate about $1.5B in revenues for the last one, there must be A LOT of people. Yet, I have as of yet never heard anyone say anything positive about either Avatar film.
My aluminum foil hat conspiracy side has always been skeptical of such things, including big lottery payouts, and I sometimes wonder if it isn't some form of out-in-front-of-the-public eye type of laundering scam.

There is going to be another one? How many ****ty avatar movies are they going to make?

And who are all of these people who are paying to watch them. If the reporting is accurate about $1.5B in revenues for the last one, there must be A LOT of people. Yet, I have as of yet never heard anyone say anything positive about either Avatar film.

But I guess that's the annser right there. They will stop making Avatar movies, when Avatar movies stop making them $1.5B dollars :p
I enjoyed the spectacle of the first Avatar movie. The plot was nothing special, however, it was cool "serious" 3d that wasn't just jump effects for the 3d, and the CGI outstanding and was well ahead of its time.

There - you have now seen someone say something positive about Avatar 1.

I would even go see the second one if it weren't for having to get a baby sitter to go this time around. I can't think of any movies at this point that I would get a baby sitter for, so that isn't saying anything in particular about Avatar 2 either.
I enjoyed the spectacle of the first Avatar movie. The plot was nothing special, however, it was cool "serious" 3d that wasn't just jump effects for the 3d, and the CGI outstanding and was well ahead of its time.

There - you have now seen someone say something positive about Avatar 1.

I would even go see the second one if it weren't for having to get a baby sitter to go this time around. I can't think of any movies at this point that I would get a baby sitter for, so that isn't saying anything in particular about Avatar 2 either.

That is fair. I had heard that the rendering and special effects were visually impressive. I just forgot that when I wrote my note above. I was thinking about the plot line, character development, etc. You know, the traditional things that make for a good film :p
I enjoyed the first one.

Don't have the time to go watch the 2nd one in the theater, but when it gets released to streaming or some physical media I will for sure watch it.
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