James Earl Jones Signed Off Digital Rights So AI Could Voice Darth Vader and Keep Character Alive


Staff member
May 28, 2019
It has been revealed that James Earl Jones signed off rights to Disney so it could use AI to keep the iconic character alive. The 91-year-old actor expressed his plans to Skywalker Sound...

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He had a very good run, and a job well done. He deserves to retire.
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Probably gets sick of every fan ever asking him to say "I am your father" and "This is CNN" and "Everything the sun touches"
Hopefully he licensed it not just signed it away so his estate can get paid for perpetuity.
We are not far off from when actors don't even have to work anymore, just give a voice sample and body scan, and they can record the entire movie with doubles.
We are not far off from when actors don't even have to work anymore, just give a voice sample and body scan, and they can record the entire movie with doubles.
Only once they are established. I'm waiting for the first algorithmicly created stars. Ai designed to appeal to specific demographics.
Maybe there will be some consistency to the Vader voice now (about 40 years too late). It always irked me how Vader sounded different from movie to movie due to some post-processing of EJJ's voice.
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