James Gunn to Direct Superman: Legacy (June 11, 2025): “I Love My Script”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Guardians of the Galaxy is a beautiful movie, but does James Gunn have what it takes to create a Superman film that can compete with the visuals that Zack Snyder introduced in 2013's Man of Steel? Fans of the superhero can definitely expect an answer for that, as the 56-year-old filmmaker and executive confirmed today that he will be directing Superman: Legacy, a new Superman film that will serve as the launchpad for the first phase of his new DC Multiverse, titled "Chapter One, Gods & Monsters." Gunn revealed that he had been penning the script for a new Superman film back in December, and evidently, he ended up loving it so much that he'll be taking full control of the project, which is scheduled to release on June 11, 2025. While Henry Cavill announced in December that he won't be returning as Superman, stating that his "time to wear the cape has passed," the hunt for a new actor is ongoing, and according to older tweets from Gunn, it'll probably be someone on the younger side.

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Seems like an ego move to me. But to be fair I hsv enjoyed his work before. I just hate what he did to our latest superman. I will probably see it .. but I'm not 100 percent sure.
I've enjoyed Guardians and Suicide Squad, and Peacemaker, but I'm not thrilled at how his solution for WB/DC is to turn it in the house of Gunn. For the sake of it, I'm hoping it doesn't become a disaster but also not thrilled about this and a number of other decisions he's made since taking over. I've been a harsh critic of WB/DC since Smallville, and the first Nolan films, and have watched almost everything since, or at least tried to, and agree that things needed to change but jettisoning everything, and everyone is not what I thought needed to be done.
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